1. demogsurv::zzbr
    DHS Model Births Recode Dataset
  2. demogsurv::zzir
    DHS Model Individual Recode Dataset
  3. drjacoby::population_data
    Population data.
  4. EpiEstim::Flu1918
    Data on the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic in Baltimore.
  5. EpiEstim::Flu2009
    Data on the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in a school in Pennsylvania.
  6. EpiEstim::Measles1861
    Data on the 1861 measles epidemic in Hagelloch, Germany.
  7. EpiEstim::MockRotavirus
    Mock data on a rotavirus epidemic.
  8. EpiEstim::SARS2003
    Data on the 2003 SARS epidemic in Hong Kong.
  9. EpiEstim::Smallpox1972
    Data on the 1972 smallpox epidemic in Kosovo
  10. EpiEstim::covid_deaths_2020_uk
    Data on the 2020-2022 SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in the UK.
  11. EpiEstim::flu_2009_NYC_school
    Data on the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic in a school in New York city
  12. EpiEstim::mers_2014_15
    Data on Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in Saudi Arabia.
  13. first90::theta0
  14. malariasimulation::parameter_draws
    Parameter draws
  15. naomi::demo_anc_testing
    Programme data: Malawi routine HIV service delivery data
  16. naomi::demo_area_boundaries
    Malawi area boundaries.
  17. naomi::demo_area_hierarchy
    Malawi area hierarchy
  18. naomi::demo_area_levels
    Malawi area levels.
  19. naomi::demo_areas
    data.frame|69 x 12
  20. naomi::demo_art_number
    Programme data: Malawi routine HIV service delivery data
  21. naomi::demo_population_agesex
    Malawi age-sex stratified population data
  22. naomi::demo_survey_biomarker
    Malawi survye biomarkers
  23. naomi::demo_survey_clusters
    Malawi survey clusters
  24. naomi::demo_survey_hiv_indicators
    Malawi HIV indicators
  25. naomi::demo_survey_individuals
    Malawi survey individuals
  26. naomi::demo_survey_meta
    Malawi survey metadata
  27. naomi::demo_survey_regions
    Malawi survey regions
  28. popim::unwpp_countries
    List of countries in the UN WPP data 2024
  29. rincewind::country_continent_mapping
    Country to continent mapping
  30. rincewind::population_by_age
  31. threemc::datapack_psnu_area_level
    PSNU Area Levels for SSA
  32. threemc::demo_areas
    Malawi shapefiles
  33. threemc::demo_populations
    Malawi populations
  34. threemc::demo_survey_circumcision
    Malawi surveys
  35. threemc::esa_wca_regions
    WCA - ESA key for Sub-Saharan African countries