The likelihood and prior distributions that go into drjacoby can be specified by the user either as R functions or as C++ functions. This vignette demonstrates a basic MCMC implementation using both the R and C++ methods, and compares the two in terms of speed.
We need the following elements to run drjacoby:
Starting with the data, let’s assume that our observations consist of
a series of draws from a normal distribution with a given mean
) and standard deviation (sigma_true
We can generate some random data to play with:
# set random seed
# define true parameter values
mu_true <- 3
sigma_true <- 2
# draw example data
data_list <- list(x = rnorm(10, mean = mu_true, sd = sigma_true))
Notice that data needs to be defined as a named list. For our example
MCMC we will assume that we know the correct distribution of the data
(i.e. we know the data is normally distributed), and we know that the
mean is no smaller than -10 and no larger than 10, but otherwise the
parameters of the distribution are unknown. Parameters within
drjacoby are defined in dataframe format, where we specify
minimum and maximum values of all parameters. The function
makes it slightly easier to define this
dataframe, but standard methods for making dataframes are also fine:
# define parameters dataframe
df_params <- define_params(name = "mu", min = -10, max = 10,
name = "sigma", min = 0, max = Inf)
#> name min max
#> 1 mu -10 10
#> 2 sigma 0 Inf
In this example we have one parameter (mu
) that occupies
a finite range [-10, 10], and another parameter (sigma
that can take any positive value. drjacoby deals with different
parameter ranges using reparameterisation, which all occurs internally
meaning we don’t need to worry about these constraints affecting our
Next, we need a likelihood function. This must have the following three input arguments, specified in this order:
- a named vector of parameter valuesdata
- a named list of datamisc
- a named list of miscellaneous valuesFinally, the function must return a single value for the likelihood in log space. These constraints on the format of the likelihood function might seem a bit restrictive, but they are needed in order for drjacoby to know how to use the function internally. The issue of taking logs is particularly important, as the MCMC will still run even if we forget to take logs, but the results produced will be nonsense!
Inside the likelihood function we can extract individual parameter
values from the input vector and then use these values to calculate the
probability of the data. In our example, the likelihood function is
quite simple thanks to the dnorm()
function which can
return the density of the normal distribution already in log space:
# define log-likelihood function
r_loglike <- function(params, data, misc) {
# extract parameter values
mu <- params["mu"]
sigma <- params["sigma"]
# calculate log-probability of data
ret <- sum(dnorm(data$x, mean = mu, sd = sigma, log = TRUE))
# return
Notice that we don’t use the misc
object at all here,
which is perfectly fine. Finally, we need a prior function. This
must have the params
and misc
arguments as above, and it must return a single value
for the prior probability of those parameters in log
space. Again, this strict format is required for
drjacoby to know how to use the prior internally. In our case
we will assume a uniform prior on mu
, and a log-normal
prior on sigma
# define log-prior function
r_logprior <- function(params, misc) {
# extract parameter values
mu <- params["mu"]
sigma <- params["sigma"]
# calculate log-prior
ret <- dunif(mu, min = -10, max = 10, log = TRUE) +
dlnorm(sigma, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1.0, log = TRUE)
# return
Be careful to ensure that your prior is defined over the same range
as specified in the df_params
dataframe. For example, here
our uniform prior for mu
ranges from -10 to 10, and our
log-normal prior for sigma
ranges from 0 to infinity.
Once we have all the elements above it is straightforward to run a
basic MCMC in drjacoby. We simply input the four elements,
along with the number of burn-in and sampling iterations. By default
drjacoby prints progress bars to the console to keep you
updated on the progress of the MCMC. When running in R markdown we can
use the option pb_markdown = TRUE
to print progress bars in
a markdown-friendly way, although you will probably want to leave this
option turned off when running interactively (simply delete this
# run MCMC
mcmc <- run_mcmc(data = data_list,
df_params = df_params,
loglike = r_loglike,
logprior = r_logprior,
burnin = 1e3,
samples = 1e3,
pb_markdown = TRUE)
#> MCMC chain 1
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.6%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 44.1%
#> chain completed in 0.036628 seconds
#> MCMC chain 2
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.1%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.9%
#> chain completed in 0.030815 seconds
#> MCMC chain 3
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 44.3%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.7%
#> chain completed in 0.030796 seconds
#> MCMC chain 4
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.2%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 44.2%
#> chain completed in 0.030744 seconds
#> MCMC chain 5
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.8%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.8%
#> chain completed in 0.030718 seconds
#> total MCMC run-time: 0.16 seconds
The output returned by the MCMC function has four parts: 1) an “output” dataframe containing raw posterior draws and other key elements at each iteration of the MCMC, 2) a “pt” dataframe containing output related to parallel tempering (if not used this just contains the log-likelihood and log-prior at every iteration), 3) a “diagnostics” object containing useful summaries such as the effective sample size of each parameter, 3) a “parameters” object containing a record of the exact parameters used to run the MCMC. We can take a peek at the first of these outputs:
#> chain phase iteration mu sigma logprior loglikelihood
#> 1 1 burnin 1 8.694105 0.9516224 -3.866313 -183.58134
#> 2 1 burnin 2 8.638174 0.9516224 -3.866313 -180.24515
#> 3 1 burnin 3 8.638174 0.9516224 -3.866313 -180.24515
#> 4 1 burnin 4 8.638174 1.3907698 -4.298931 -92.80611
#> 5 1 burnin 5 8.638174 2.8227402 -5.490798 -39.06412
#> 6 1 burnin 6 6.175764 2.9388368 -5.573742 -26.14634
We can see that both mu
and sigma
values throughout the burn-in period, as we would expect, and the
loglikelihood generally increased.
Before we can draw any conclusions from our MCMC results there are
some basic checks that we should carry out. First, we can examine trace
plots of all parameters to see how they are moving. This can be done
using the plot_trace()
function, shown here for the burn-in
Notice that for all five chains both mu
move quickly from their initial values to stable
levels at around 3 and 2, respectively. This is a visual indication that
the MCMC has burned in for an appropriate number of iterations. We can
check this more rigorously by looking at the rhat
within the MCMC diagnostics, which gives the value of the Gelman-Rubin
convergence diagnostic.
Values close to 1 indicate that the MCMC has converged (typically the threshold <1.1 is used). This output uses the variance between chains, and therefore is only availble when running multiple chains.
By setting phase = "sampling"
we can look at trace plots
from the sampling phase only:
Here we can see that the MCMC continues to move freely after the burn-in phase, and that all chains appear to be exploring the same part of the parameter space. The final plot shows the autocorrelation of the chains, which in this case falls off rapidly with samples being approximately independent at around 10 lags. This is an indication that the MCMC is mixing well. The marginal histogram shows a single clear peak, although this is still a bit rough so we may want to re-run the MCMC with a larger number of sampling iterations to get a smoother result. We can also explore this by looking at the effective sample size (ESS), which is stored within the MCMC diagnostics:
We can see that despite running the MCMC for 1000 sampling iterations
over 5 chains (5000 in total), the actual number of effectively
independent samples accounting for autocorrelation is lower. When doing
any calculation that relies on the number of samples we should use the
ESS rather than the raw number of sampling iterations. For example if we
want to know the standard error of our estimate of mu
should do sd(mu)/sqrt(ESS)
. But just as importantly, when
producing any summary of the posterior that does not make direct use of
the number of samples - for example when producing posterior histograms
- we should use all posterior draws, and we should not thin
samples to reduce autocorrelation. This is because a histogram
produced from all samples is more accurate than one produced from
thinned samples, even if the samples are autocorrelated.
The final question is how confident can we be that our MCMC has actually explored the space well? Although the trace plot above looks good, it is possible to get results that look like this from very pathological MCMC runs. This is a more complex problem that is dealt with in another vignette.
Although drjacoby is an R package, under the hood it is
running C++ through the fantastic Rcpp
package. When we pass an R likelihood function to
, as in the example above, the code is forced to
jump out of C++ into R to evaluate the likelihood before jumping back
into C++. This creates a computational overhead that can be avoided by
specifying functions directly within C++.
To use C++ a function within drjacoby we first write it out as stand-alone file. The example used here can be found inside the inst/extdata folder of the package, and reads as follows:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP loglike(Rcpp::NumericVector params, Rcpp::List data, Rcpp::List misc) {
// extract parameters
double mu = params["mu"];
double sigma = params["sigma"];
// unpack data
std::vector<double> x = Rcpp::as< std::vector<double> >(data["x"]);
// sum log-likelihood over all data
double ret = 0.0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) {
ret += R::dnorm(x[i], mu, sigma, true);
// return as SEXP
return Rcpp::wrap(ret);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP logprior(Rcpp::NumericVector params, Rcpp::List misc) {
// extract parameters
double sigma = params["sigma"];
// calculate logprior
double ret = -log(20.0) + R::dlnorm(sigma, 0.0, 1.0, true);
// return as SEXP
return Rcpp::wrap(ret);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP create_xptr(std::string function_name) {
typedef SEXP (*funcPtr_likelihood)(Rcpp::NumericVector params, Rcpp::List data, Rcpp::List misc);
typedef SEXP (*funcPtr_prior)(Rcpp::NumericVector params, Rcpp::List misc);
if (function_name == "loglike"){
return(Rcpp::XPtr<funcPtr_likelihood>(new funcPtr_likelihood(&loglike)));
if (function_name == "logprior"){
return(Rcpp::XPtr<funcPtr_prior>(new funcPtr_prior(&logprior)));
stop("cpp function %i not found", function_name);
The logic of this function is identical to the R version above, just
written in the language of C++. To allow drjacoby to talk to your C++
function(s) we need to have a linking function in this C++ file, in this
case called create_xptr()
. With this set up all we need to
do is source our C++ file with Rccp::sourcecpp()
simply pass the function names to run_mcmc()
. To
make life easy when setting up a new C++ model, you can create a
template for your cpp file with the cpp_template()
- then all you need to do is fill in the internals of the loglikehood
and logprior.
As before, there are some constraints on what this function must look like. It must take the same three input arguments described in the previous section, defined in the following formats:
must be an Rcpp::NumericVector
must be an Rcpp::List
must be an Rcpp::List
All parameter values will be coerced to double
the code, hence parameters consisting of integer or boolean values
should be dealt with as though they are continuous (for example
TRUE = 1.0
, FALSE = 0.0
). Second, the function
must return an object of class SEXP
. The
easiest way to achieve this is to calculate the raw return value as a
double, and then to use the Rcpp::wrap()
function to
transform to SEXP
. As before, the value returned should be
the likelihood evaluated in log space.
Even though we are working in C++, we still have access to most of
R’s nice distribution functions through the R::
For example, the dnorm()
function can be accessed within
C++ using R::dnorm()
. A list of probability distributions
available within Rcpp can be found here.
With these two functions in hand we can run the MCMC exactly the same as before, passing in the new functions:
# run MCMC
mcmc <- run_mcmc(data = data_list,
df_params = df_params,
loglike = "loglike",
logprior = "logprior",
burnin = 1e3,
samples = 1e3,
pb_markdown = TRUE)
#> MCMC chain 1
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 42.8%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 44.7%
#> chain completed in 0.005937 seconds
#> MCMC chain 2
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 44.1%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.8%
#> chain completed in 0.005665 seconds
#> MCMC chain 3
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.4%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 44.3%
#> chain completed in 0.005680 seconds
#> MCMC chain 4
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 42.9%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 44.1%
#> chain completed in 0.005567 seconds
#> MCMC chain 5
#> burn-in
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.4%
#> sampling phase
#> | |======================================================================| 100%
#> acceptance rate: 43.8%
#> chain completed in 0.005586 seconds
#> total MCMC run-time: 0.0284 seconds
You should see that this MCMC runs considerably faster than the previous version that used R functions. On the other hand, writing C++ functions is arguably more error-prone and difficult to debug than simple R functions. Hence, if efficiency is your goal then C++ versions of both the likelihood and prior should be used, whereas if ease of programming is more important then R functions might be a better choice.
This was a very easy problem, and so required no fancy MCMC tricks. The next vignette demonstrates how drjacoby can be applied to a more challenging problem.