--- title: "Algorithms used to compute random numbers" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Algorithms used to compute random numbers} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( error = FALSE, collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5) lang_output <- function(x, lang) { cat(c(sprintf("```%s", lang), x, "```"), sep = "\n") } cc_output <- function(x) lang_output(x, "cc") r_output <- function(x) lang_output(x, "r") plain_output <- function(x) lang_output(x, "plain") set.seed(1) ``` The `dust` package includes three algorithms for computing normally distributed random numbers, all of which should be faster than R's `rnorm` when called from R on a single thread: ```{r} rng <- dust::dust_rng$new(NULL) n <- 1e6 bench::mark( r = rnorm(n), box_muller = rng$random_normal(n, algorithm = "box_muller"), polar = rng$random_normal(n, algorithm = "polar"), ziggurat = rng$random_normal(n, algorithm = "ziggurat"), check = FALSE, time_unit = "ms") ``` (This is not their intended purpose of course - that is to be called from C++ in parallel.) This document collects some notes on the algorithms that underlie the code used. ## Box-Muller ```{r} n <- 1e5 theta <- 2 * pi * runif(n) r <- sqrt(-2 * log(runif(n))) r1 <- r * cos(theta) r2 <- r * sin(theta) ``` Here are density plots from these samples against the expectation ```{r} plot(dnorm, -4, 4) lines(density(r1), col = "red") lines(density(r2), col = "blue") ``` and the covariance between the two draws is statistically zero: ```{r} cov(r1, r2) ``` Because we're interested in running these algorithms in parallel we have opted to discard the second draw (not running `sin` as above). The simplest way to implement using both draws involves keeping a record of your previous spare draw, but doing that in parallel requires that each thread must be able to do that. We may change this in future, or expose some system to enable doing this in a thread-safe way. ## Polar The polar method improves on the Box-Muller method by avoiding the trigonometric functions at the expense of doing more random number draws. We first generate points on the unit circle (i.e., a pair (`x`, `y`) such that `x^2 + y^2 < 1`). Then, letting `s` be the distance between x and y, we can generate *two* values `x * sqrt(-2 * log(s) / s)` and `y * sqrt(-2 * log(s) / s)` ```{r} n <- 1e5 x <- runif(n, -1, 1) y <- runif(n, -1, 1) s <- x * x + y * y i <- s < 1 # accept r1 <- x[i] * sqrt(-2 * log(s[i]) / s[i]) r2 <- y[i] * sqrt(-2 * log(s[i]) / s[i]) plot(dnorm, -4, 4) lines(density(r1), col = "red") lines(density(r2), col = "blue") ``` Again the covariance is essentially zero ```{r} cov(r1, r2) ``` Here it's a bit more painful to discard the second draw as it's almost free; we already have the second term which cost us one call to `log` and we need only do one multiply to get the second. This would be worse if ziggurat wasn't much faster. ## Ziggurat The "Ziggurat method" draws random numbers from some distribution by a rejection sampling scheme. Unfortunately most implementations are opaque, both because they were written in C and because they have been milked for every bit of performance possible. We wanted a version that was fast, but also easy to understand and to relate to the original papers. The principal reference we will follow is [Doornik 2005](https://www.doornik.com/research/ziggurat.pdf). As with that paper, we consider an non-normalised right hand side of the normal distribution: ```{r} f <- function(x) { exp(-x^2 / 2) } curve(f, 0, 4, las = 1) ``` It will be useful to also have functions `f_inv` (the inverse of `f`) and `f_int` (the integral of `f` from x to infinity) ```{r} f_inv <- function(y) { sqrt(-2 * log(y)) } f_int <- function(r) { pnorm(r, lower.tail = FALSE) / dnorm(0) } ``` To work with the algorithm we need to cover this curve with `n` evenly sized rectangles, with the lowest one having infinite width. We'll use these rectangles for the sampling scheme, described below ```{r, echo = FALSE} local({ n <- 6L r <- 2.17605944054792 v <- 0.240941329415319 x <- numeric(n) for (i in seq_len(n - 1)) { x[i] <- if (i == 1) r else f_inv(f(x[i - 1]) + v / x[i - 1]) } fx <- f(x) curve(f, 0, 4, axes = FALSE) rect(0, fx[-n], x[-n], fx[-1], lty = 2, border = "gray20") text(x[-n] + strwidth("M"), (fx[-1] + fx[-n]) / 2, paste("box", 2:n), adj = 0) rect(0, 0, 5, fx[1], lty = 3, border = "gray20") segments(x[-n], fx[-n], x[-n], par("usr")[3], lty = 3, col = "steelblue") text(x[-n], par("usr")[3] - strheight("X"), paste0("x", seq_len(n - 1)), cex = 0.5, col = "steelblue", xpd = NA) points(x, fx, pch = 19, cex = 0.5) box() axis(2, c(0, 1), las = 1) axis(1, c(0, 3, 4)) }) ``` Finding these rectangles turns out to be nontrivial. Suppose we want to cover `f` with 6 rectangles; to do this we need to find the area of each of the rectangles (will be slightly larger area under `f` divided by `n` due to the overhangs) and a series of `x` points (`x1`, `x2`, ..., `xn`) with the last one being 0 1. First we make a starting guess as to the `x` location of the final rectangle, say `r` 2. We then compute the volume of the lowest rectangle as `f(r) * r + f_int(r)` 3. We can then compute the size of the 2nd rectangle as `f_inv(f(r) + v / r)` 4. Continue this until all 'x' values have been computed, replacing `r` above with the `x` value from the previous iteration From the diagram above it looks like `x1` might be a bit bigger than 2. Starting with a guess of 2.2: ```{r} n <- 6 r <- 2.2 v <- r * f(r) + f_int(r) x <- numeric(6) x[1] <- r for (i in 2:(n - 1)) { x[i] <- f_inv(f(x[i - 1]) + v / x[i - 1]) } ``` We now have a series of `x` values ```{r} x ``` The area of the final rectangle must be ```{r} x[n - 1] * (f(0) - f(x[n - 1])) ``` which is *bigger* than all the others, which have area `v`. If we'd made our original guess too small (say 2.1) then we'd have too *small* a final area. We can capture this in a small nonlinear equation to solve: ```{r} target <- function(r, n = 6) { v <- r * f(r) + f_int(r) x <- r for (i in 2:(n - 1)) { x <- f_inv(f(x) + v / x) } x * (f(0) - f(x)) - v } target(2.2) target(2.1) ``` This is easily solved by `uniroot`: ```{r} ans <- uniroot(target, c(2.1, 2.2)) ans ``` This approach works for any `n`, though in practice some care is needed to select good bounds. Once we have found this value, we can compute our series of `x` values as above: ```{r} r <- ans$root v <- r * f(r) + f_int(r) x <- numeric(n) x[1] <- r for (i in 2:(n - 1)) { x[i] <- f_inv(f(x[i - 1]) + v / x[i - 1]) } x ``` ## Sampling To sample from the distribution using these rectangles we do: 1. select a rectangle to sample from (an integer between 1 and `n`) 2. select a random number `u` (between 0 and 1); scale this by `x[i]` to get `z` 3. if `i == 0` (the base layer) a. if `z < r` then the point lies in the rectangle and can be accepted b. otherwise draw from the tail and _accept that point_ (see below) 3. if `i > 1` (any other layer): - if `z < x[i - 1]` then the point lies entirely within the distribution and can be accepted - otherwise test the edges once and accept that point or _return to the first step of the algorithm_ Note the slightly different alternative conditions for the base layer and others; for the base layer we *will* find a sample from the tail even if it takes a few goes, but for the regions with overlaps we only try once and if that does not succeed we start again by selecting a new layer. ### Sampling from the tail For sampling from the tail we use the algorithm of Marsaglia (1963); given U(0, 1) random numbers `u1` and `u2` and using the value of `r` from above (i.e., `x[1]`): 1. Let x = `-log(u1) / r` 2. Let y = `-log(u2)` 3. If `2 y > x^2` accept `x + r`, otherwise try again To see this in action, first, let's generate a set of normal draws from the tail (beyond `x[1]`) ```{r} z <- abs(rnorm(1e7)) z <- z[z >= r] hist(z - r, nclass = 30, freq = FALSE) curve(dnorm(x + r) / pnorm(r, lower.tail = FALSE), add = TRUE, col = "red") ``` The curve is the analytical density function, shifted by `r` along the x-axis and scaled so that the area under the tail is 1. Generating a reasonably large number of samples (here 10 thousand) shows a good agreement between the samples and the expectation: ```{r} sx <- -log(runif(1e5)) / r sy <- -log(runif(1e5)) accept <- 2 * sy > sx^2 hist(sx[accept], nclass = 30, freq = FALSE, xlim = c(0, 3)) curve(dnorm(x + r) / pnorm(r, lower.tail = FALSE), add = TRUE, col = "red") ``` With the relatively low `r` here, our acceptance probability is not bad (~`r round(mean(accept) * 100)` %) but as `r` increases it will improve: ```{r} sx <- -log(runif(1e5)) / 3.9 sy <- -log(runif(1e5)) mean(2 * sy > sx^2) ``` ### The edges If our point in layer `i` (`i > 1`) lies outside of the safe zone we need to do a full rejection sample. We start by illustrating this graphically; given two U(0, 1) numbers scaled to `(x[3], x[2])` and `f(x[3]), f(x[2])` we would accept the blue points below but not the red ones: ```{r} plot(f, x[3] - 0.05, x[2] + 0.05) abline(v = x[2:3], lty = 3) abline(h = f(x[2:3])) f0 <- f(x[3]) f1 <- f(x[2]) u1 <- runif(100, x[3], x[2]) # these ones are filtered already u2 <- runif(100) y <- f0 + u2 * (f1 - f0) accept <- y < f(u1) points(u1, y, col = ifelse(accept, "blue", "red"), pch = 19, cex = 0.25) ``` The above calculation computes three values of `f`; for `x[2]`, `x[3]` and `u1`, each of these involves a calculation of `exp()` which is fairly costly. Adding in tables of `fx = f(x)` actually slows things down slightly as well as increasing the number of constants rattling around the program. Alternatively if we take the acceptance equation: ``` f(x[3]) + u2 * (f(x[2]) - f(x[3])) < f(u1) ``` and divide both sides by `f(u1)` we get ``` f(x[3]) / f(u1) + u2 * (f(x[2]) / f(u1) - f(x[3]) / f(u1)) < 1 ``` then we can rearrange slightly using the fact that `f(a) / f(b) = exp(-0.5 * (a^2 - b^2)` to write ``` f2_u1 <- exp(-0.5 * (x[2]^2 - u1^2)) f3_u1 <- exp(-0.5 * (x[3]^2 - u1^2)) ``` which we can use to get the same acceptance as above: ``` table(f3_u1 + u2 * (f2_u1 - f3_u1) < 1.0, accept) ``` This is the approach we use in the implementation. ## Optimisations In the naive version we draw a random number on `[0, 1)` and compare that with the bounds `x`. Suppose we are sampling in the 3rd layer; we draw a random number `u` and scale it by `x[2]`, then accept if that scaled value is less than `x[3]`, otherwise check to see if we are in the tail ```{r} u <- runif(50) z <- u * x[2] z < x[3] ``` Most of the numbers are accepted (this is the point of the algorithm and that acceptance probability increases as `n` does). There are two tricks that can be done here to make this more efficient. First we can notice that the above calculation is equivalent to `u < x[3] / x[2]`: ```{r} all((u < x[3] / x[2]) == (u * x[2] < x[3])) ``` and by saving the values of `x[i] / x[i - 1]` in our tables we can avoid many multiplications. In the description above, we take two random draws at first - one for the layer and one for the `x` position. Some implementation do that with a single draw but this is not safe if your random number generator works in terms of 32 bit integers (see [Doornik 2005](https://www.doornik.com/research/ziggurat.pdf)) as all bits are needed to convert to a double and this creates a correlation between the layer and the position. However, most of our random number generators work with 64 bit integers and we only use the top 53 bits to make a double-precision number. So we take bits 4 to 11 to create the integer between 0 and 255 for the layer. If using a 32 bit generator (one of the `xoshiro128` generators) then a second number will be used; this decision will be made at compile time so should come with no runtime cost. With the `+` scramblers the lower bits are not of the same quality (See [this paper](https://vigna.di.unimi.it/ftp/papers/ScrambledLinear.pdf)) but for `xoshiro256+` by the 4th bit the randomness should be of sufficient quality.