Package 'dust2'

Title: Next Generation dust
Description: Experimental sources for the next generation of dust, which will properly adopt the particle filter, have support for partial parameter updates, support for multiple parameter sets and hopefully better GPU/MPI support.
Authors: Rich FitzJohn [aut, cre], Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine [cph]
Maintainer: Rich FitzJohn <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.3.17
Built: 2025-03-07 08:29:42 UTC

Help Index

The dust debugger


Control browser-based debugging of dust models. This help page documents three functions that can be used to control if and how the browser is enabled. You can't enter the debugger from any of these functions; it is only enabled if present in your C++ code (or if using odin2 if you have enabled it).


dust_browser_enabled(value = TRUE)





Logical, TRUE for where the debugger should be enabled, FALSE otherwise.


The verbosity level, as a string. This must be one of the values quiet (prevents informational messages), normal (prints a single line on entry) and verbose (prints several informational messages on entry). The default is normal.


dust2 includes an extremely simple debugging system, and if you are reading this message, there's a good chance you are inside it. It is built on top of R's browser() and so all the usual tips, tricks and issues for working with this apply. We recommend setting the R option browserNLdisabled = TRUE to avoid surprises from pressing ⁠<enter>⁠.

  • You can press n or c to proceed to the next enabled iteration

  • You can press Q to quit the browser (this will end up as an error by the time you have control back)

These commands are established by browser, and can't be disabled. This means that if you have an variable called n you will need to work with it as (n) (i.e. in parentheses). This applies to all of browser's command variables (c, f, n, s, r and Q); please see browser for more information.

By the time the environment has been created, some variables from your model will have been copied into the environment; you can see these by running ls() and write expressions involving these objects. Changes that you make in R are not (currently) propagated back into the running system.

If you enable the debugger, you may have very many iterations to get through before control is returned back to the console. You can run dust_debug_continue() to prevent entry into the debugger until control is passed back to you; this means the time series will run to completion and then the next time you run the system the debugger will be triggered again. Alternatively, you can run dust_debug_enabled(FALSE) to disable all calls to the debugger.


Both dust_browser_enabled and dust_browser_verbosity return the previous value of the option they are setting.

Compile a dust2 system


Compile a dust2 system from a C++ input file. This function will compile the dust support around your system and return an object that you can call with no arguments to make a dust_system_generator object, suitable for using with dust functions (starting from dust_system_create).


  quiet = NULL,
  workdir = NULL,
  linking_to = NULL,
  cpp_std = NULL,
  compiler_options = NULL,
  optimisation_level = NULL,
  debug = NULL,
  skip_cache = FALSE



The path to a single C++ file


Logical, indicating if compilation messages from pkgbuild should be displayed. Error messages will be displayed on compilation failure regardless of the value used. If NULL is given, then we take the value from DUST_QUIET if set, or FALSE otherwise.


Optional working directory to use. If NULL, the behaviour depends on the existence of the environment variable DUST_WORKDIR_ROOT. If it is unset we use a session-specific temporary directory (generated by tempfile()). If DUST_WORKDIR_ROOT is set, then we use a stable generated filename within this directory, which allows different sessions to effectively share a cache. If you pass a directory name here as a string, then we will use that directory to write all code, which allows you to inspect the generated code. See vignette("details") for more information.


Optionally, a character vector of additional packages to add to the DESCRIPTION's LinkingTo field. Use this when your system pulls in C++ code that is packaged within another package's header-only library.


The C++ standard to use, if you need to set one explicitly. See the section "Using C++ code" in "Writing R extensions" for the details of this, and how it interacts with the R version currently being used. For R 4.0.0 and above, C++11 will be used; as dust depends on at least this version of R you will never need to specify a version this low. Sensible options are C++14, C++17, etc, depending on the features you need and what your compiler supports.


A character vector of additional options to pass through to the C++ compiler. These will be passed through without any shell quoting or validation, so check the generated commands and outputs carefully in case of error. Note that R will apply these before anything in your personal Makevars.


A shorthand way of specifying common compiler options that control optimisation level. By default (NULL) no options are generated from this, and the optimisation level will depend on your user Makevars file. Valid options are none which disables optimisation (-O0), which will be faster to compile but much slower, standard which enables standard level of optimisation (-O2), useful if your Makevars/pkgload configuration is disabling optimisation, or max (-O3 and --fast-math) which enables some slower-to-compile and potentially unsafe optimisations. These options are applied after compiler_options and may override options provided there. Note that as for compiler_options, R will apply these before anything in your personal Makevars


Passed to pkgbuild::compile_dll, this will build a debug library. If NULL is given, then we take the value from DUST_DEBUG if set, or FALSE otherwise.


Logical, indicating if the cache of previously compiled systems should be skipped. If TRUE then your system will not be looked for in the cache, nor will it be added to the cache after compilation.


A function, which can be called with no arguments to yield a dust_system_generator function.

Example generators


Load example generators from dust2. These generators exist primarily for the examples and documentation and are not (yet) very interesting. The examples will likely change as the package evolves and some may be removed.





The name of the generator as a string; one of sir, sirode or walk. See Details.


All models exist as source code in the package; to view the sir model you could write:"examples/sir.cpp", package = "dust2"))


A dust_generator object, which you might pass into dust_system_create


A simple SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Recovered) compartmental model. This model has parameters:

  • N: total population size

  • I0: initial infected population size (when using dust_system_set_state_initial)

  • beta: per-contact rate of infection

  • gamma: rate of recovery

  • exp_noise: noise parameter used in the comparison to data

The system will have compartments S, I, R, cases_cumul and cases_inc


The same model as sir but in continuous time, deterministically


A random walk in discrete time with Gaussian increments. This model has parameters:

  • sd: The standard deviation of the Gaussian update (per unit time)

  • len: The number of independent walks

  • random_initial': Boolean, indicating if the initial position should be random (changes how dust_system_set_state_initial would initialise the system)


walk <- dust_example("walk")

sys <- dust_system_create(walk, list(sd = 1), 20)
y <- dust_system_simulate(sys, 0:50)
matplot(t(y[1, , ]), type = "l", col = "#0000ff55", lty = 1,
        xlab = "Time", ylab = "Value")

Create a particle filter


Create a particle filter object


  n_groups = NULL,
  dt = NULL,
  ode_control = NULL,
  shared_data = FALSE,
  n_threads = 1,
  preserve_group_dimension = FALSE,
  seed = NULL



A system generator object, with class dust_system_generator. The system must support compare_data to be used with this function.


The start time for the simulation - this is typically before the first data point. Must be an integer-like value.


The data to fit to. This can be a data.frame, in which case it will be passed into dust_filter_data for validation, or it can be a dust_filter_data-augmented data.frame. The times for comparison will be taken from this, and time_start must be no later than than the earliest time.


The number of particles to run. Larger numbers will give lower variance in the likelihood estimate but run more slowly.


The number of parameter groups. If NULL, this will be taken from data. If given, then the number of groups in data will be checked against this number.


The time step for discrete time systems, defaults to 1 if not given. It is an error to provide a non-NULL argument with continuous-time systems.


The ODE integration control for continuous time systems. Defaults to the default return of dust_ode_control. It is an error to provide this with discrete-time systems.


Logical, indicating if data is shared among all groups.


Integer, the number of threads to use in parallelisable calculations. See Details.


Logical, indicating if state and output from the system should preserve the group dimension in the case where a single group is run. In the case where more than one group is run, this argument has no effect as the dimension is always preserved.


Optionally, a seed. Otherwise we respond to R's RNG seed on initialisation.


A dust_likelihood object, which can be used with dust_likelihood_run

Prepare data


Prepare data for use with dust_unfilter_create or dust_filter_create. You do not have to use this function if you name your data.frame with our standard column names (i.e., time column containing the time) as it will be called within the filter functions directly. However, you can use this to validate your data separately or to use different columns than the defaults.


dust_filter_data(data, time = NULL, group = NULL)



A data.frame containing time and data to fit. By default we expect a column time (or one with the name given as the argument time) and one or more columns of data to fit to.


Optional name of a column within data to use for time.


Optional name of a column within data to use for groups


A data.frame, with the addition of the class attribute dust_filter_data; once created you should not modify this object.

Create copy of a dust likelihood object


Create an independent copy of a likelihood object. The new object is decoupled from the random number streams of the parent object. It is also decoupled from the state size of the parent object, so you can use this to create a new object where the system is fundamentally different but everything else is the same.


dust_likelihood_copy(obj, seed = NULL)



A dust_filter object, created by dust_filter_create or a dust_unfilter object created by dust_unfilter_create


The seed for the particle filter (see dust_filter_create)


A new dust_likelihood object

Fetch last likelihood gradient


Fetch the last gradient created by running an likelihood. This errors if the last call to dust_likelihood_run did not use adjoint = TRUE. The first time you call this (after a particular set of parameters) it will trigger running the reverse model.





A dust_filter object, created by dust_filter_create or a dust_unfilter object created by dust_unfilter_create


A vector (if ungrouped) or a matrix (if grouped).

Get likelihood snapshots


Get the last snapshots from a likelihood.


dust_likelihood_last_snapshots(obj, select_random_particle = FALSE)



A dust_filter object, created by dust_filter_create or a dust_unfilter object created by dust_unfilter_create


Logical, indicating if we should return a history for one randomly selected particle (rather than the entire set of trajectories over all particles). If this is TRUE, the particle will be selected independently for each group, if the object is grouped. This option is intended to help select a representative trajectory during an MCMC. When TRUE, we drop the particle dimension of the return value.


An array. If ungrouped this will have dimensions state x particle x time (where time here is along your snapshot times), and if grouped then state x particle x group x time. If select_random_particle = TRUE, the second (particle) dimension will be dropped.

Get likelihood state


Get the last state from a likelihood.


dust_likelihood_last_state(obj, select_random_particle = FALSE)



A dust_filter object, created by dust_filter_create or a dust_unfilter object created by dust_unfilter_create


Logical, indicating if we should return a history for one randomly selected particle (rather than the entire set of trajectories over all particles). If this is TRUE, the particle will be selected independently for each group, if the object is grouped. This option is intended to help select a representative trajectory during an MCMC. When TRUE, we drop the particle dimension of the return value.


An array. If ungrouped this will have dimensions state x particle, and if grouped then state x particle x group. If select_random_particle = TRUE, the second (particle) dimension will be dropped. This is the same as the state returned by dust_likelihood_last_trajectories without the time dimension but also without any state index applied (i.e., we always return all state).

Fetch last likelihood trajectories


Fetch the last trajectories created by running a likelihood. This errors if the last call to dust_likelihood_run did not use save_trajectories = TRUE. We return the states and groups that were run via the index_state and index_group arguments to dust_likelihood_run.


dust_likelihood_last_trajectories(obj, select_random_particle = FALSE)



A dust_filter object, created by dust_filter_create or a dust_unfilter object created by dust_unfilter_create


Logical, indicating if we should return a history for one randomly selected particle (rather than the entire set of trajectories over all particles). If this is TRUE, the particle will be selected independently for each group, if the object is grouped. This option is intended to help select a representative trajectory during an MCMC. When TRUE, we drop the particle dimension of the return value.


An array. If ungrouped this will have dimensions state x particle x time, and if grouped then state x particle x group x time. If select_random_particle = TRUE, the second (particle) dimension will be dropped.

Create monty model


Create a monty_model from a dust_likelihood object.


  initial = NULL,
  domain = NULL,
  failure_is_impossible = FALSE,
  save_state = FALSE,
  save_trajectories = FALSE,
  save_snapshots = NULL



A dust_likelihood object, created from dust_filter_create or dust_unfilter_create


A parameter packer, which will convert between an unstructured vector of parameters as used in an MCMC into the list of parameters that the dust system requires.


Optionally, a function to create initial conditions from unpacked parameters.


Optionally, domain information to pass into the model. If given, this is a two column matrix with row names corresponding to the parameter names in packer, the first column representing the lower bound and the second column representing the upper bound. You do not need to specify parameters that have a domain of ⁠(-Inf, Inf)⁠ as this is assumed. We use monty::monty_domain_expand to expand logical parameters, so if you have a vector-valued parameter b and a domain entry called b we will expand this to all elements of b.


Logical, indicating if an error while computing the likelihood should be treated as a log-density of -Inf (i.e., that this point is impossible). This is a big hammer to use, and you would be better off using the domain (with reflecting boundaries) or the priors to control this if possible. However, sometimes you can have integration failures with very high parameter values, or just other pathological parameter sets where, once you understand the model, giving up on that parameter set and continuing is the best option.


Logical, indicating if the state should be saved at the time series.


Logical, indicating if particle trajectories should be saved. This can also be a character vector indicating the logical compartments, or an integer vector being an index into the state.


Optional vector of times where we snapshot the entire state. You can restart your system from these points. They must line up exactly with the times in your filter.


A monty::monty_model object

Random number streams

This section is only relevant if your likelihood object is a particle filter, and therefore uses random numbers.

The short version: the seed argument that you may have passed to dust_filter_create will be ignored when using a dust_likelihood_monty model with algorithms from monty. You should generally not worry about this, it is expected.

When you initialise a filter, you provide a random number seed argument. Your filter will use n_groups * (n_particles + 1) streams (one for the filter for each group, then for each group one per particle). If you run the filter directly (e.g., with dust_likelihood_run then you will advance the state of the filter). However, if you use the filter with monty (which is why you're using dust_likelihood_monty) we will ignore this seeding.

When running MCMC with n_chains chains, we need n_chains * n_groups * (n_particles + 1) random number streams - that is enough streams for every chain to have a filter with its own set of chains. monty will look after this for us, but the upshot is that the random number state that you may have previously set when building the filter will be ignored as we need to create a series of suitable seeds.

The seeds provided by monty will start at some point in the RNG state space (2^256 possible states by default). In an MCMC, each chain will have a seed that is created by performing a "long jump", moving 2^192 steps along the chain. Then within each chain we will take a series of "jumps" (2^128 steps) for each of the streams we need across the groups, filters and particles. This ensures independence across the stochastic components of the system but also the reproducibility and predictability of the system. The initial seeding performed by monty will respond to R's RNG (i.e., it will follow set.seed) if an explicit seed is not given.

Get filter RNG state


Get random number generator (RNG) state from the particle filter.



dust_likelihood_set_rng_state(obj, rng_state)



A dust_filter object, created by dust_filter_create or a dust_unfilter object created by dust_unfilter_create


A raw vector of random number generator state, returned by dust_likelihood_rng_state


A raw vector, this could be quite long. Later we will describe how you might reseed a filter or system with this state.

Compute likelihood


Compute a log likelihood based on a dynamical model, either from particle filter (created with dust_filter_create) or a deterministic model (created with dust_unfilter_create).


  initial = NULL,
  save_trajectories = FALSE,
  save_snapshots = NULL,
  adjoint = NULL,
  index_state = NULL,
  index_group = NULL



A dust_filter object, created by dust_filter_create or a dust_unfilter object created by dust_unfilter_create


Optional parameters to compute the likelihood with. If not provided, parameters are not updated


Optional initial conditions, as a matrix (state x particle) or 3d array (state x particle x group). If not provided, the system initial conditions are used.


Logical, indicating if the trajectories from the simulation history should be saved while the simulation runs; this has a small overhead in runtime and in memory. Particle trajectories will be saved at each time for which you have data. If index_state is non-NULL, the trajectories are limited to these states.


Optional vector of times at which we should record snapshots of the entire state of the system.


Optional logical, indicating if we should enable adjoint history saving. This is enabled by default if your model has an adjoint, but can be disabled or enabled even when your model does not support adjoints! But if you don't actually have an adjoint you will not be able to compute gradients. This has no effect for stochastic models.


An optional vector of state indices to save where save_trajectories is TRUE. If omitted all state is saved and if save_trajectories = FALSE this has no effect.


An optional vector of group indices to run the calculation for. You can use this to run a subset of possible groups, once obj is initialised (this argument must be NULL on the first call).


A vector of likelihood values, with as many elements as there are groups.

Create a dust_ode_control object.


Create a control object for controlling the adaptive stepper for systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The returned object can be passed into a continuous-time dust model on initialisation.


  max_steps = 10000,
  atol = 1e-06,
  rtol = 1e-06,
  step_size_min = 0,
  step_size_max = Inf,
  critical_times = NULL,
  debug_record_step_times = FALSE,
  save_history = FALSE



Maximum number of steps to take. If the integration attempts to take more steps that this, it will throw an error, stopping the integration.


The per-step absolute tolerance.


The per-step relative tolerance. The total accuracy will be less than this.


The minimum step size. The actual minimum used will be the largest of the absolute value of this step_size_min or .Machine$double.eps (or the single-precision equivalent once we support float-based models). If the integration attempts to make a step smaller than this, it will throw an error, stopping the integration.


The largest step size. By default there is no maximum step size (Inf) so the solver can take as large a step as it wants to. If you have short-lived fluctuations in your rhs that the solver may skip over by accident, then specify a smaller maximum step size here.


Vector of critical times. These are times where we guarantee that the integration will stop, and which you can use for changes to parameters. This can avoid the solver jumping over short-lived departures from a smooth solution, and prevent the solver having to learn where a sharp change in your target function is.


Logical, indicating if the step times should be recorded. This should only be enabled for debugging. Step times can be retrieved via dust_system_internals().


Logical, indicating if we should save history during running. This should only be enabled for debugging. Data can be retrieved via dust_system_internals(), but the format is undocumented.


A named list of class "dust_ode_control". Do not modify this after creation.

Information about OpenMP support


Return information about OpenMP support for this machine.


dust_openmp_support(check_compile = FALSE)



Logical, indicating if we should check if we can compile an OpenMP program - this is slow the first time.


A list with information about the OpenMP support on your machine.

  • The first few elements come from the OpenMP library directly: num_proc, max_threads, thread_limit; these correspond to a call to the function ⁠omp_get_<name>()⁠ in C and openmp_version which is the value of the ⁠_OPENMP⁠ macro.

  • A logical has_openmp which is TRUE if it looks like runtime OpenMP support is available

  • The next elements tell you about different sources that might control the number of threads allowed to run: mc.cores (from the R option with the same name), OMP_THREAD_LIMIT, OMP_NUM_THREADS, MC_CORES (from environment variables), limit_r (limit computed against R-related control variables), limit_openmp (limit computed against OpenMP-related variables) and limit the smaller of limit_r and limit_openmp

  • Finally, if you specified check_compile = TRUE, the logical has_openmp_compiler will indicate if it looks like we can compile with OpenMP.

See Also

dust_openmp_threads() for setting a polite number of threads.



Select number of threads


Politely select a number of threads to use. See Details for the algorithm used.


dust_openmp_threads(n = NULL, action = "error")



Either NULL (select automatically) or an integer as your proposed number of threads.


An action to perform if n exceeds the maximum number of threads you can use. Options are "error" (the default, throw an error) or "fix" (print a message and reduce n down to the limit).


There are two limits and we will take the smaller of the two.

The first limit comes from piggy-backing off of R's normal parallel configuration; we will use the MC_CORES environment variable and mc.cores option as a guide to how many cores you are happy to use. We take mc.cores first, then MC_CORES, which is the same behaviour as parallel::mclapply and friends.

The second limit comes from OpenMP. If you do not have OpenMP support, then we use one thread (higher numbers have no effect at all in this case). If you do have OpenMP support, we take the smallest of the number of "processors" (reported by omp_get_num_procs()) the "max threads" (reported by omp_get_max_threads() and "thread_limit" (reported by omp_get_thread_limit().

See dust_openmp_support() for the values of all the values that go into this calculation.


An integer, indicating the number of threads that you can use


# Default number of threads; tries to pick something friendly,
# erring on the conservative side.

# Try to pick something silly and it will be reduced for you
dust_openmp_threads(1000, action = "fix")

Create dust system in package


Creates or updates the generated code for a set of dust systems in a package. The user-provided code is assumed to be in inst/dust as a series of C++ files; a file inst/dust/x.cpp will be transformed into a file src/x.cpp.


dust_package(path, quiet = NULL)



Path to the package


Passed to cpp11::cpp_register, if TRUE suppresses informational notices about updates to the cpp11 files. If NULL, uses the value of the environment variable DUST_QUIET if set or FALSE otherwise.


Classes used within a package must be distinct; typically these will match the filenames.

We add "cpp11 attributes" to the created functions, and will run cpp11::cpp_register() on them once the generated code has been created.

Your package needs a src/Makevars file to enable OpenMP (if your system supports it). If it is not present then a suitable Makevars will be written, containing


following "Writing R Extensions" (see section "OpenMP support"). If your package does contain a src/Makevars file we do not attempt to edit it but will error if it looks like it does not contain these lines or similar.

You also need to make sure that your package loads the dynamic library; if you are using roxygen, then you might create a file (say, R/zzz.R) containing

#' @useDynLib packagename, .registration = TRUE

substituting packagename for your package name as appropriate. This will create an entry in NAMESPACE.


Nothing, this function is called for its side effects

Compare system state against data


Compare current system state against data. This is only supported for systems that have 'compare_data' support (i.e., the system definition includes a compare_data method). The current state in the system (dust_system_state) is compared against the data provided as data.


dust_system_compare_data(sys, data)



A dust_system object


The data to compare against. If the system is ungrouped then data is a list with elements corresponding to whatever your system requires. If your system is grouped, this should be a list with as many elements as your system has groups, with each element corresponding to the data your system requires.


A numeric vector with as many elements as your system has groups, corresponding to the log-likelihood of the data for each group.

Create a dust system object


Create a dust system object from a system generator. This allocates a system and sets an initial set of parameters. Once created you can use other dust functions to interact with it.


  pars = list(),
  n_particles = 1,
  n_groups = 1,
  time = 0,
  dt = NULL,
  ode_control = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  deterministic = FALSE,
  n_threads = 1,
  preserve_particle_dimension = FALSE,
  preserve_group_dimension = FALSE



A system generator object, with class dust_system_generator


A list of parameters. The format of this will depend on the system. If n_groups is 1 or more, then this must be a list of length n_groups where each element is a list of parameters for your system. The default list() assumes your system has no required parameters, but you may need to pass a list of parameters here.


The number of particles to create, defaulting to a single particle


Optionally, the number of parameter groups


The initial time, defaults to 0


The time step for discrete time systems, defaults to 1 if not given. It is an error to provide a non-NULL argument with continuous-time systems.


The ODE integration control for continuous time systems. Defaults to the default return of dust_ode_control. It is an error to provide this with discrete-time systems.


Optionally, a seed. Otherwise we respond to R's RNG seed on initialisation.


Logical, indicating if the system should be allocated in deterministic mode.


Integer, the number of threads to use in parallelisable calculations. See Details.


Logical, indicating if output from the system should preserve the particle dimension in the case where a single particle is run. In the case where more than one particle is run, this argument has no effect as the dimension is always preserved.


Logical, indicating if state and output from the system should preserve the group dimension in the case where a single group is run. In the case where more than one group is run, this argument has no effect as the dimension is always preserved.


A dust_system object, with opaque format.


Many calculations within a dust system can be parallelised straightforwardly - the most important of these is typically running the model (via dust_system_run_to_time or dust_system_simulate) but we also parallelise dust_system_set_state_initial, dust_system_compare_data and even dust_system_reorder. You need to set the number of threads for parallelism at system creation, and this number cannot be usefully larger than n_particles (or n_particles * n_groups if you have a grouped system).

Fetch system internals


Return internal data from the system. This is intended for debugging only, and all formats are subject to change.


  include_coefficients = FALSE,
  include_history = FALSE



A dust_system object


Boolean, indicating if interpolation coefficients should be included in the output. These are intentionally undocumented for now.


Boolean, also undocumented.


If sys is a discrete-time system, this function returns NULL, as no internal data is stored. Otherwise, for a continuous-time system we return a data.frame of statistics with one row per particle. Most of the columns are simple integers or numeric values, but dydt (the current derivative of the target function with respect to time) and step_times (times that the solver has stopped at, if debug_record_step_times is in dust_ode_control was set to TRUE) will be a list of columns, each element of which is a numeric vector. If include_coefficients is TRUE, the coefficients column exists and holds a list of coefficients (the structure of these may change over time, too).

Reorder states


Reorder states within a system. This function is primarily used for debugging and may be removed from the interface if it is not generally useful.


dust_system_reorder(sys, index)



A dust_system object


The parameter ordering. For an ungrouped system this is a vector where each element is the parameter index (if element i is j then after reordering the ith particle will have the state previously used by j). All elements must lie in ⁠[1, n_particles]⁠, repetition of an index is allowed (so that many new particles may have the state as one old particle). If the system is grouped, index must be a matrix with n_particles rows and n_groups columns, with each column corresponding to the reordering for a group.


Nothing, called for side effects only.

Fetch and set rng state


Fetch, and set, the random number generator (RNG) state from the system.



dust_system_set_rng_state(sys, rng_state)



A dust_system object


A raw vector of random number generator state, returned by dust_system_rng_state


A raw vector, this could be quite long.

See Also

You can pass the state you get back from this function as the seed object to dust_system_create and dust_system_set_rng_state

Run system


Run a system, advancing time and the state by repeatedly running its update method. You can advance a system up to a time (which must be in the future).


dust_system_run_to_time(sys, time)



A dust_system object


Time to run to


Nothing, called for side effects only

Set system state


Set system state. Takes a multidimensional array (2- or 3d depending on if the system is grouped or not). Dimensions of length 1 will be recycled as appropriate. For continuous time systems, we will initialise the solver immediately after setting state, which may cause errors if your initial state is invalid for your system. There are many ways that you can use this function to set different fractions of state (a subset of states, particles or parameter groups, recycling over any dimensions that are missing). Please see the Examples section for usage.


  index_state = NULL,
  index_particle = NULL,
  index_group = NULL



A dust_system object


A matrix or array of state. If ungrouped, the dimension order expected is state x particle. If grouped the order is state x particle x group. If you have a grouped system with 1 particle and preserve_state_dimension = FALSE then the state has size state x group. You can omit higher dimensions, so if you pass a vector it will be treated as if all higher dimensions are length 1 (or if you have a grouped system you can provide a matrix and treat it as if the third dimension had length 1). If you provide any index_ argument then the length of the corresponding state dimension must match the index length.


An index to control which state variables we set. You can use this to set a subset of state variables.


An index to control which particles have their state updated


An index to control which groups have their state updated.


Nothing, called for side effects only


# Consider a system with 3 particles and 1 group:
sir <- dust_example("sir")
sys <- dust_system_create(sir(), list(), n_particles = 3)
# The state for this system is packed as S, I, R, cases_cumul, cases_inc:

# Set all particles to the same state:
dust_system_set_state(sys, c(1000, 10, 0, 0, 0))

# We can set everything to different states by passing a vector
# with this shape:
m <- cbind(c(1000, 10, 0, 0, 0), c(999, 11, 0, 0, 0), c(998, 12, 0, 0, 0))
dust_system_set_state(sys, m)

# Or set the state for just one state:
dust_system_set_state(sys, 1, index_state = 4)

# If you want to set a different state across particles, you must
# provide a *matrix* (a vector always sets the same state into
# every particle)
dust_system_set_state(sys, rbind(c(1, 2, 3)), index_state = 4)

# This will not work as it can be ambiguous what you are
# trying to do:
#> dust_system_set_state(sys, c(1, 2, 3), index_state = 4)

# State can be set for specific particles:
dust_system_set_state(sys, c(900, 100, 0, 0, 0), index_particle = 2)

# And you can combine 'index_particle' with 'index_state' to set
# small rectangles of state:
dust_system_set_state(sys, matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), 2, 2),
                      index_particle = 2:3, index_state = 4:5)

Set system state to initial conditions


Set system state from a system's initial conditions. This may depend on the current time.





A dust_system object


Nothing, called for side effects only

Set system time


Set time into the system. This updates the time to the provided value but does not affect the state. You may want to call dust_system_set_state or dust_system_set_state_initial after calling this.


dust_system_set_time(sys, time)



A dust_system object


The time to set. Currently this must be an integer-like value, but in future we will allow setting to any multiple of dt.


Nothing, called for side effects only

Simulate system


Simulate a system over a series of times, returning an array of output. This output can be quite large, so you may filter states according to some index.


dust_system_simulate(sys, times, index_state = NULL)



A dust_system object


A vector of times. They must be increasing, and the first time must be no less than the current system time (as reported by dust_system_time). If your system is discrete, then times must align to the dt used when creating the system.


An optional index of states to extract. If given, then we subset the system state on return. You can use this to return fewer system states than the system ran with, to reorder states, or to name them on exit (names present on the index will be copied into the rownames of the returned array).


An array with 3 dimensions (state x particle x time) or 4 dimensions (state x particle x group x time) for a grouped system.

Extract system state


Extract system state


  index_state = NULL,
  index_particle = NULL,
  index_group = NULL



A dust_system object


Index of the state to fetch, if you would like only a subset


Index of the particle to fetch, if you would like a subset


Index of the group to fetch, if you would like a subset


An array of system state. If your system is ungrouped (i.e., n_groups = 1 and preserve_group_dimension = FALSE), then this has two dimensions (state, particle). If grouped, this has three dimensions (state, particle, group)

See Also

dust_system_set_state() for setting state and dust_system_set_state_initial() for setting state to the system-specific initial conditions.

Fetch system time


Fetch the current time from the system.





A dust_system object


A single numeric value

See Also


Update parameters


Update parameters used by the system. This can be used to update a subset of parameters that do not change the extent of the system, and will be potentially faster than creating a new system object.


dust_system_update_pars(sys, pars)



A dust_system object


Parameters to set into the system.


Nothing, called for side effects only

Create an unfilter


Create an "unfilter" object, which can be used to compute a deterministic likelihood following the same algorithm as the particle filter, but limited to a single particle. The name for this method will change in future.


  n_particles = 1,
  n_groups = NULL,
  dt = NULL,
  ode_control = NULL,
  shared_data = FALSE,
  n_threads = 1,
  preserve_particle_dimension = FALSE,
  preserve_group_dimension = FALSE



A system generator object, with class dust_system_generator


The start time for the simulation - this is typically before the first data point. Must be an integer-like value.


The data to fit to. This can be a data.frame, in which case it will be passed into dust_filter_data for validation, or it can be a dust_filter_data-augmented data.frame. The times for comparison will be taken from this, and time_start must be no later than than the earliest time.


The number of particles to run. Typically this is 1, but you can run with more than 1 if you want - currently they produce the same likelihood but if you provide different initial conditions then you would see different likelihoods.


Optionally, the number of parameter groups


The time step for discrete time systems, defaults to 1 if not given. It is an error to provide a non-NULL argument with continuous-time systems.


The ODE integration control for continuous time systems. Defaults to the default return of dust_ode_control. It is an error to provide this with discrete-time systems.


Logical, indicating if data is shared among all groups.


Integer, the number of threads to use in parallelisable calculations. See Details.


Logical, indicating if output from the system should preserve the particle dimension in the case where a single particle is run. In the case where more than one particle is run, this argument has no effect as the dimension is always preserved.


Logical, indicating if state and output from the system should preserve the group dimension in the case where a single group is run. In the case where more than one group is run, this argument has no effect as the dimension is always preserved.


A dust_likelihood object, which can be used with dust_likelihood_run

Unpack state


Unpack state. You will see state come out of dust2 systems in several places, for example dust_system_state, but it will typically be an unstructured vector with no names; this is not very useful! However, your model knows what each element, or group of elements "means". You can unpack your state from this unstructured array into a named list using this function. The same idea applies to the higher-dimensional arrays that you might get if your system has multiple particles, multiple parameter groups or has been run for multiple time steps.


dust_unpack_state(obj, state)




A dust_system object (from dust_system_create) or dust_likelihood object (from dust_filter_create or dust_unfilter_create).


A state vector, matrix or array. This might have come from dust_system_state, dust_likelihood_last_trajectories, or dust_likelihood_last_state.


A named list, where each element corresponds to a logical compartment.

See Also

monty::monty_packer, and within that especially documentation for ⁠$unpack()⁠, which powers this function.


sir <- dust_example("sir")
sys <- dust_system_create(sir, list(), n_particles = 10, dt = 0.25)
t <- seq(0, 100, by = 5)
y <- dust_system_simulate(sys, t)
# The result here is a 5 x 10 x 21 matrix: 5 states by 10 particles by
# 21 times.

# The 10 particles and 21 times (following t) are simple enough, but
# what are our 5 compartments?

# You can use dust_unpack_state() to reshape your output as a
# list:
dust_unpack_state(sys, y)

# Here, the list is named following the compartments (S, I, R,
# etc) and is a 10 x 21 matrix (i.e., the remaining dimensions
# from y)

# We could apply this to the final state, which converts a 5 x 10
# matrix of state into a 5 element list of vectors, each with
# length 10:
s <- dust_system_state(sys)
dust_unpack_state(sys, s)

# If you need more control, you can use 'dust_unpack_index' to map
# names to positions within the state dimension of this array