BUG FIX: Corrected author first/last name in lassa data
epireview 1.4.2
Code tidy-up and reduce dependancies
epireview 1.4.1
Consistent handling of how files are read in to provide a smoother user experience.
epireview 1.4.0
Bug fixes
SARS-CoV-1 data release
Minor fixes to Ebola data
epireview 1.3.6
FEATURE: The default color palette is updated with a new one from ggsci and introduces a custom_palette() function to support multi-country label visualization.
BUG FIX: Functionality to supply custom colour palette now works as expected.
epireview 1.3.5
BUG-FIX: Fixes #117. NA rows were being created because filter_df_for_metamean used == to compare strings, leading to NAs being created when the RHS was NA. Comparison now is being done using %in%.
epireview 1.3.4
DATA: Adds SARS-CoV-1 data (articles, models, and parameters). Outbreaks were not extracted.
epireview 1.3.3
FEATURE: The argument to load_epidata is made case-insensitive. Addresses #96
epireview 1.3.2
BUG-FIX: Fixes #86 by removing a duplicated row. Also fixes an incorrectly entered method type for CFR, and incorrectly
extracted population sizes.
epireview 1.3.1
BUG-FIX: Fixes #104 using readr::read_delim to read in parameter type short names
epireview 1.3.0
Updated lassa data available following updated literature search
Improved messages when loading data via load_epidata
User-friendly getters for key epi parameters
Bug fixes
epireview 1.2.13
FEATURE: new function to format parameter dataset so that it can be input into
meta-analysis of proportions.
epireview 1.2.12
FEATURE: Addresses #98 by including article_info as key column returned when parameter specific getters are invoked.
epireview 1.2.11
FEATURE: Adds a R-user friendly parameter name to the params table loaded via
load_epidata. This also makes parameter names consistent across pathogens. Addresses #59.
epireview 1.2.10
FEATURE: Moves error logging cli package and improves warnings addressing #57 and #21
epireview 1.2.9
FEATURE: functions to get specific parameters for a given pathogen.
epireview 1.2.8
BUG FIX: Fixes #73 which caused rows of the params dataset to be dropped during if reordering the population
country was NA.
FEATURE: reorder_studies can now reorder by any column in the params dataset
epireview 1.2.7
FEATURE: filter_df_for_metamean now includes rows with uncertainty types introduced specifically for SARS.
epireview 1.2.6
FEATURE: Added custom axis-label functionality to forest_plot()
BUG FIX: Fixed a bug whereby single uncertainty names would be used for paired uncertainty values.
epireview 1.2.5
FEATURE: addresses #80 by including doi in article columns merged with other key dfs.
epireview 1.2.4
BUG FIX: Updated outbreak and parameter column types. Fixes warnings being issued when lassa or ebola data were loaded.
epireview 1.2.3
BUG-FIX: Fixes Issue #56 where some article labels were NA because of an article being associated with multiple ids.
epireview 1.2.2
BUG-FIX: Fixes #71; file names are changed to match function names for consistency.
epireview 1.2.1
FEATURE: New function to assign QA score to articles in a simple and consistent manner.
epireview 1.2.0
Major release adding new features from versions 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and 1.13.
epireview 1.1.3
FEATURE: Add a function to extract parameters.
epireview 1.1.2
FEATURE: Add a function to create pretty article labels