We can test that the SMC algorithm implemented in
gives an unbiased estimate of
the likelihood by comparing a simple model where the likelihood can be
calculated exactly. The volatility model included in the dust package
fulfils this criteria:
class volatility {
using real_type = double;
using internal_type = dust::no_internal;
using rng_state_type = dust::random::generator<real_type>;
struct data_type {
real_type observed;
struct shared_type {
real_type alpha;
real_type sigma;
real_type gamma;
real_type tau;
real_type x0;
volatility(const dust::pars_type<volatility>& pars) : shared(pars.shared) {
size_t size() const {
return 1;
std::vector<real_type> initial(size_t time, rng_state_type& rng_state) {
std::vector<real_type> state(1);
state[0] = shared->x0;
return state;
void update(size_t time, const real_type * state,
rng_state_type& rng_state, real_type * state_next) {
const real_type x = state[0];
state_next[0] = shared->alpha * x +
shared->sigma * dust::random::normal<real_type>(rng_state, 0, 1);
real_type compare_data(const real_type * state, const data_type& data,
rng_state_type& rng_state) {
return dust::density::normal(data.observed, shared->gamma * state[0],
shared->tau, true);
dust::shared_ptr<volatility> shared;
// Helper function for accepting values with defaults
inline double with_default(double default_value, cpp11::sexp value) {
return value == R_NilValue ? default_value : cpp11::as_cpp<double>(value);
namespace dust {
template <>
dust::pars_type<volatility> dust_pars<volatility>(cpp11::list pars) {
using real_type = volatility::real_type;
real_type x0 = 0;
real_type alpha = with_default(0.91, pars["alpha"]);
real_type sigma = with_default(1, pars["sigma"]);
real_type gamma = with_default(1, pars["gamma"]);
real_type tau = with_default(1, pars["tau"]);
volatility::shared_type shared{alpha, sigma, gamma, tau, x0};
return dust::pars_type<volatility>(shared);
template <>
volatility::data_type dust_data<volatility>(cpp11::list data) {
return volatility::data_type{cpp11::as_cpp<double>(data["observed"])};
This is a dust
model; refer
to the documentation there for details. This file can be compiled with
, but here we use the version bundled with
We can simulate some data from the model:
#> t value
#> 1 1 1.5228223
#> 2 2 1.7231932
#> 3 3 0.7458825
#> 4 4 3.2051644
#> 5 5 2.3723363
#> 6 6 1.7215418
plot(value ~ t, data, type = "o", pch = 19, las = 1)
In order to estimate the parameters of the process that might have
generated this dataset, we need, in addition to our model, an
observation/comparison function. In this case, given that we observe
some state
volatility_compare <- function(state, observed, pars) {
dnorm(observed$value, pars$gamma * drop(state), pars$tau, log = TRUE)
We also model the initialisation process:
volatility_initial <- function(info, n_particles, pars) {
matrix(rnorm(n_particles, 0, pars$sd), 1)
pars <- list(
# Generation process
alpha = 0.91,
sigma = 1,
# Observation process
gamma = 1,
tau = 1,
# Initial condition
sd = 1)
and preprocess the data into the correct format:
volatility_data <- mcstate::particle_filter_data(data, "t", 1)
#> Warning in mcstate::particle_filter_data(data, "t", 1): 'initial_time' should
#> be provided. I'm assuming '0' which is one time unit before the first time in
#> your data (1), but this might not be appropriate. This will become an error in
#> a future version of mcstate
#> t_start t_end time_start time_end value
#> 1 0 1 0 1 1.5228223
#> 2 1 2 1 2 1.7231932
#> 3 2 3 2 3 0.7458825
#> 4 3 4 3 4 3.2051644
#> 5 4 5 4 5 2.3723363
#> 6 5 6 5 6 1.7215418
The particle filter can run with more or fewer particles - this will trade-off runtime with the variance in the estimate, though in a fairly non-linear manner:
With all these pieces we can create our particle filter object with 100 particles
filter <- mcstate::particle_filter$new(volatility_data, volatility, n_particles,
compare = volatility_compare,
initial = volatility_initial)
#> <particle_filter>
#> Public:
#> has_multiple_data: FALSE
#> has_multiple_parameters: FALSE
#> history: function (index_particle = NULL)
#> initialize: function (data, model, n_particles, compare, index = NULL, initial = NULL,
#> inputs: function ()
#> model: dust_generator, R6ClassGenerator
#> n_data: 1
#> n_parameters: 1
#> n_particles: 100
#> ode_statistics: function ()
#> restart_state: function (index_particle = NULL, save_restart = NULL, restart_match = FALSE)
#> run: function (pars = list(), save_history = FALSE, save_restart = NULL,
#> run_begin: function (pars = list(), save_history = FALSE, save_restart = NULL,
#> set_n_threads: function (n_threads)
#> state: function (index_state = NULL)
#> Private:
#> compare: function (state, observed, pars)
#> constant_log_likelihood: NULL
#> data: particle_filter_data_single, particle_filter_data_discrete, particle_filter_data, data.frame
#> data_split: list
#> gpu_config: NULL
#> index: NULL
#> initial: function (info, n_particles, pars)
#> last_history: NULL
#> last_model: NULL
#> last_restart_state: NULL
#> last_stages: NULL
#> last_state: NULL
#> n_threads: 1
#> ode_control: NULL
#> seed: NULL
#> stochastic_schedule: NULL
#> times: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...
Running the particle filter simulates the process on all 103 particles and compares at each timestep the simulated data with your observed data using the provided comparison function. It returns the log-likelihood:
This is stochastic and each time you run it, the estimate will differ:
In this case the model is simple enough that we can use a Kalman Filter to calculate the likelihood exactly:
kalman_filter <- function(alpha, sigma, gamma, tau, data) {
y <- data$value
mu <- 0
s <- 1
log_likelihood <- 0
for (t in seq_along(y)) {
mu <- alpha * mu
s <- alpha^2 * s + sigma^2
m <- gamma * mu
S <- gamma^2 * s + tau^2
K <- gamma * s / S
mu <- mu + K * (y[t] - m)
s <- s - gamma * K * s
log_likelihood <- log_likelihood + dnorm(y[t], m, sqrt(S), log = TRUE)
ll_k <- kalman_filter(pars$alpha, pars$sigma, pars$gamma, pars$tau,
#> [1] -190.008
Unlike the particle filter the Kalman filter is deterministic:
However, the particle filter, run multiple times, will create a distribution centred on this likelihood:
ll <- replicate(n_replicates, filter$run(pars))
hist(ll, col = "steelblue3")
abline(v = ll_k, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
As the number of particles used changes, the variance of this estimate will change
filter2 <- mcstate::particle_filter$new(volatility_data, volatility,
n_particles / 10,
compare = volatility_compare,
initial = volatility_initial)
ll2 <- replicate(n_replicates, filter2$run(pars))
hist(ll2, col = "steelblue3")
abline(v = ll_k, col = "red", lty = 2, lwd = 2)
abline(v = range(ll), col = "orange", lty = 3, lwd = 2)
If you run a particle filter with save_history = TRUE
it will record the (filtered) trajectories:s
This is a N state (here 1) x N particles (1000) x N time steps (100) 3d array, but we will drop the first rank of this for plotting
matplot(0:100, t(drop(filter$history())), xlab = "Time", ylab = "Value",
las = 1, type = "l", lty = 1, col = "#00000002")
points(value ~ t, data, col = "steelblue3", pch = 19)