Package 'orderly'

Title: Lightweight Reproducible Reporting
Description: Order, create and store reports from R. By defining a lightweight interface around the inputs and outputs of an analysis, a lot of the repetitive work for reproducible research can be automated. We define a simple format for organising and describing work that facilitates collaborative reproducible research and acknowledges that all analyses are run multiple times over their lifespans.
Authors: Rich FitzJohn [aut, cre], Robert Ashton [aut], Alex Hill [aut], Martin Eden [aut], Wes Hinsley [aut], Emma Russell [aut], James Thompson [aut], Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine [cph]
Maintainer: Rich FitzJohn <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.6.1
Built: 2024-10-18 05:31:25 UTC

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Run a batch of reports.


Run one report multiple times with different sets of parameters.


orderly_batch(name = NULL, parameters = NULL, continue_on_error = TRUE, ...)



Name of the report to run (see orderly_list()). A leading ⁠src/⁠ will be removed if provided, allowing easier use of autocomplete. Alternatively, the default of NULL is useful if you have already set the working directory to be the source directory.


Data frame of parameters passed to report. Each row represents a parameter set to be passed to one report run.


If FALSE then if one report run fails the function will not attempt to run subsequent reports in the batch. If TRUE subsequent parameter sets will be run. If the report run fails during preparation e.g. because of missing parameters this will error and stop all subsequent parameter sets.


Additional args passed to orderly_run()


List of ids of newly created reports

See Also

orderly_run() for details of report running


path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
params <- data.frame(nmin = c(0.2, 0.25))
ids <- orderly::orderly_batch("other", params, root = path)

Pack and run orderly "bundles"


Pack up and run orderly reports to run elsewhere. By using these functions you can safely copy all requirements of an orderly report into a portable archive and run them on another machine (perhaps a cluster or HPC), then import the completed archive into your orderly tree. There is considerable overhead to using these functions (mostly due to transport costs) so they are intended primarily for very computationally demanding patterns.


  parameters = NULL,
  envir = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  message = NULL,
  instance = NULL,
  remote = NULL,
  tags = NULL

orderly_bundle_run(path, workdir = tempfile(), echo = TRUE, envir = NULL)

orderly_bundle_import(path, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)




A path, whose interpretation depends on the function:

orderly_bundle_pack: A directory to save bundles to. If it does not exist it will be created for you.

orderly_bundle_run: The path to the packed bundle (a zip file created by orderly_bundle_pack)

orderly_bundle_import: The path to unpack and import (a zip file created by orderly_bundle_run)

orderly_bundle_list: The path to a directory that might contain either incomplete or complete bundles (created by either orderly_bundle_pack or orderly_bundle_run)


Name of the report to pack (see orderly_list(). A leading ⁠src/⁠ will be removed if provided, allowing easier use of autocomplete.


Parameters passed to the report. A named list of parameters declared in the orderly.yml. Each parameter must be a scalar character, numeric, integer or logical.


The parent of the environment that will be used to evaluate the report script; by default a new environment will be made with the global environment as the parent.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


An optional character string containing a message explaining why the report was run


Select instance of the source database to be used, where multiple instances are configured. Use a single unnamed character string to indicate an instance to match. If given, then this name must be present in all databases where instances are listed in orderly_config.yml, and will be ignored by all database where instances are not given. See the "orderly" vignette for further information.


Remote to use to resolve dependencies. Use this in order to run a report with the same dependencies as are available on a remote server, particularly when using id = "latest". Note that this is not the same as running orderly_pull_dependencies(), then orderly_run with remote = NULL, as the pull/run approach will use the latest report in your archive but the remote = "remote" approach will use the latest approach in the remote archive (which might be less recent).


Character vector of tags to add to the report. Tags are immutable and cannot be removed once the report is run. Tags added here will be in addition to any tags listed in the ⁠tags:⁠ field in orderly.yml and must be present in orderly_config.yml.


The path in which to run bundles. If it does not exist it will be created for you. The completed bundle will be saved in this directory as ⁠<id>.zip⁠.


Print the result of running the R code to the console


For orderly_bundle_pack and orderly_bundle_run, a list with elements path (the path to the bundle) and id (its orderly id). For orderly_bundle_list a data.frame with key information about the report in the bundles (id, name, parameters, status, time). The function orderly_bundle_import is called for its side effect only and does not return anything useful.


path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")

# A working directory to export bundles to:
workdir <- tempfile()

# Pack up the "example" report to go:
res <- orderly::orderly_bundle_pack(workdir, "example", root = path)

# The return value is a list with the id and the path to the zip
# file created:

# A list of reports bundled in this directory and their status

# Run the bundle (this would ordinarily be done on another computer)
zip <- orderly::orderly_bundle_run(res$path, workdir)

# The status has now been updated to reflect the status

# We can import this into the orderly tree
orderly::orderly_bundle_import(zip$path, root = path)

# This has now been included in your orderly archive and the
# workdir can be safely deleted
unlink(workdir, recursive = TRUE)

Pack and import bundles with remotes


Pack a bundle on a remote. This is like calling orderly_bundle_pack() on the remote and can be used to extract a long-running report from a server to run (say) on an HPC system.


  parameters = NULL,
  instance = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  remote = NULL,
  dest = tempdir()

orderly_bundle_import_remote(path, root = NULL, locate = TRUE, remote = NULL)



Name of the report to pack (see orderly_list(). A leading ⁠src/⁠ will be removed if provided, allowing easier use of autocomplete.


Parameters passed to the report. A named list of parameters declared in the orderly.yml. Each parameter must be a scalar character, numeric, integer or logical.


Select instance of the source database to be used, where multiple instances are configured. Use a single unnamed character string to indicate an instance to match. If given, then this name must be present in all databases where instances are listed in orderly_config.yml, and will be ignored by all database where instances are not given. See the "orderly" vignette for further information.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


The remote to pack the bundle from, or import into


Optional path to write bundle to (a directory name). By default we use the temporary directory and return the full path to the created file.


The path to unpack and import (a zip file created by orderly_bundle_run)


The workflow here will typically be:

  1. Use orderly_bundle_pack_remote() to create a local copy of a bundle, extracted from a remote. Typically this will be run from the system where the bundle will be run (an HPC head-node or another powerful computer).

  2. Run the bundle using orderly_bundle_run()

  3. Re-import the completed bundle using orderly_bundle_import_remote which sends the zip file to the remote and adds it to the archive.

Typically these commands will not be run from the orderly root. However, the root argument may still be used to find your remote configuration. Alternatively, if your remote argument is an orderly remote (e.g., orderly_remote_path(), or orderlyweb's orderlyweb::orderlyweb_remote) then the root and locate arguments will be ignored and this command can be run from anywhere. This is the recommended configuration for running on a HPC system.

Cancel a report


The action will depend on the status of the report:

  • queued - report run will be deleted

  • running - report run will be cancelled

  • complete/errored - no effect


orderly_cancel_remote(keys, root = NULL, locate = TRUE, remote = NULL)



The key or keys for the reports to cancel


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Description of the location. Typically this is a character string indicating a remote specified in the remotes block of your orderly_config.yml. It is also possible to pass in a directly created remote object (e.g., using orderly_remote_path(), or one provided by another package). If left NULL, then the default remote for this orderly repository is used - by default that is the first listed remote.


List with names as report keys and values are lists containing

  • killed - boolean TRUE if report successfully cancelled, FALSE otherwise

  • message - string detailing reason why cancellation failed

Orderly cleanup


Clean up orderly draft and data directories. Deletes all drafts (possibly just for a set of report names) and then deletes dangling data sets that are not pointed to by any draft or committed reports. Running cleanup does not affect any reports that have been committed with orderly_commit() (i.e., the contents of the ⁠archive/⁠ directory).


  name = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  draft = TRUE,
  data = TRUE,
  failed_only = FALSE



Optional name; in this case only clean up drafts with this name


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Logical, indicating if drafts should be removed


Logical, indicating if dangling data should be removed (data not used by any draft or archived report).


Delete only failed reports (those without the end-of-run metadata). This will also clean up drafts created by orderly_test_start()


No return value, this function is called only for its side effects


# In a new example orderly, run two reports and commit only the
# second one:
path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
id1 <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = path)
id2 <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = path)
orderly::orderly_commit(id2, root = path)

# We now have one draft and one archive report:
orderly::orderly_list_drafts(root = path)
orderly::orderly_list_archive(root = path)

# To clean up the drafts:
orderly::orderly_cleanup(root = path)

# We now have no draft and one archive reports:
orderly::orderly_list_drafts(root = path)
orderly::orderly_list_archive(root = path)

Commit a generated report


Commit a generated report, moving it from the ⁠draft/⁠ directory to ⁠archive/⁠ and updating the orderly index. Once committed, reports should not be deleted.


orderly_commit(id, name = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE, timeout = 10)



The identifier of the report


The name of the report - this can be omitted and the name will be determined from the id.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Time in seconds to wait for db to be available. In parallel the database may become locked so we can choose to wait for timeout seconds before throwing an error.


The path to the newly committed report


# In a new example orderly, run a report
path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
id <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = path)

# To commit it, all we need is the report id
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path)

# The report is now committed, and as such could be used as a
# dependency in another report and is not subject to deletion by
# orderly::orderly_cleanup
orderly::orderly_list_archive(root = path)

Retrieve orderly config object.


Retrieve orderly config object.


orderly_config(root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


An R6 object representing the orderly config.

Public fields


Root dir of the orderly repository


The raw orderly config yaml


DB connection configuration for where to store orderly output database. Defaults to local SQLite db orderly.sqlite


Configuration of fields in reports, specifying which are required


Configuration of remote sources i.e. shared copy of orderly on a remote machine


Vault server connection information


Path to dir containing global resources.


Changelog type configuration


List of available tags for orderly reports.


Database configuration specifying driver and connection args for (possibly multiple) databases


Orderly version number of the archive


List of run options


Public methods

Method new()

Create an object representing orderly config

orderly_config_$new(root, validate = TRUE)

Root dir of the orderly repository


If TRUE migrate cfg to handle any format changes and validate structure if well formed for each of the cfg fields

Method server_options()

Get connection options for the current server. This is the details from the "remote" section for the server being run on. Server identified via env var ORDERLY_API_SERVER_IDENTITY


Options for current server if can be identified, otherwise NULL

Method add_run_option()

Add a key-value pair run option

orderly_config_$add_run_option(name, value)

Name of run option


Value for run option

Method get_run_option()

Retrieve value of a run option


Name of run option


# The orderly demo, with lots of potential reports:
path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")


Connect to orderly databases


Connect to the orderly databases. These should be treated as as read-only.


orderly_db(type, root = NULL, locate = TRUE, validate = TRUE, instance = NULL)



The type of connection to make (source, destination, csv or rds).


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Logical, indicating if the database schema should be validated on open (currently only applicable with type = "destination"). This is primarily intended for internal use.


Used only by type = "source", and used to select the instance, where multiple instances are configured. Use a single unnamed character string to indicate an instance to match. If given, then this name must be present in all databases where instances are listed in orderly_config.yml, and will be ignored by all database where instances are not given. See the "orderly" vignette for further information.


Orderly has several databases:

  • source: All of the databases named in the database section of the orderly_config.yml

  • destination: The orderly index database (typically a SQLite database stored at the orderly root)

  • csv: The cache of database query results, in csv format

  • rds: The cache of database query results, in rds format


A database connection, or list of connections in the case of source.


# Create an orderly that has a single commited report:
path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
id <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = path)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path)

# The source database holds the data that might be accessible via
# the 'data' entry in orderly.yml:
db <- orderly::orderly_db("source", root = path)
# This is a list, with one connection per database listed in the
# orderly_config.yml (an empty list if none are specified):
head(DBI::dbReadTable(db$source, "data"))

# The destination database holds information about the archived
# reports:
db <- orderly::orderly_db("destination", root = path)

# These tables are documented online:
DBI::dbReadTable(db, "report_version")

Deduplicate an orderly archive


Deduplicate an orderly archive. Deduplicating an orderly archive will replace all files that have the same content with "hard links". This requires hard link support in the underlying operating system, which is available on all unix-like systems (e.g. MacOS and Linux) and on Windows since Vista. However, on windows systems this might require somewhat elevated privileges. If you use this feature, it is very important that you treat your orderly archive as read-only (though you should be anyway) as changing one copy of a linked file changes all the other instances of it - the files are literally the same file.


orderly_deduplicate(root = NULL, locate = TRUE, dry_run = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)



The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Logical, indicating if the deduplication should be planned but not run


Logical, indicating if the status should not be printed


This function will alter your orderly archive. Ordinarily this is not something that should be done, so we try to be careful. In order for this to work, it is very important to treat your orderly archive as read-only generally. If your canonical orderly archive is behind OrderlyWeb this will almost certainly be the case already.

With "hard linking", two files with the same content can be updated so that both files point at the same physical bit of data. This is great, as if the file is large, then only one copy needs to be stored. However, this means that if a change is made to one copy of the file, it is immediately reflected in the other, but there is nothing to indicate that the files are linked!

This approach is worth exploring if you have large files that are outputs of one report and inputs to another, or large inputs repeatedly used in different reports, or outputs that end up being the same in multiple reports. If you run the deduplication with dry_run = TRUE, an indication of the savings will be printed.


Invisibly, information about the duplication status of the archive before deduplication was run.


path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
id1 <- orderly::orderly_run("minimal", root = path)
id2 <- orderly::orderly_run("minimal", root = path)
orderly_commit(id1, root = path)
orderly_commit(id2, root = path)
  orderly::orderly_deduplicate(path, dry_run = TRUE),
  error = function(e) NULL)

Set default remote location


Set and get default remote locations. Default locations are specific to an orderly repository (based on the path of the repository) so there is no interaction between different orderly projects.


orderly_default_remote_set(value, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)

orderly_default_remote_get(root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



A string describing a remote, a remote object, or NULL to clear


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


The default remote (for orderly_default_remote_get). The function orderly_default_remote_set is called for its side effects only.


# Same setup as in orderly_remote_path, with a remote orderly:
path_remote <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0),
                           root = path_remote, echo = FALSE)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path_remote)
id <- orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency",
                           root = path_remote, echo = FALSE)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path_remote)

# And a local orderly
path_local <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

# We'll create an object to interact with this remote using
# orderly_remote_path.
remote <- orderly::orderly_remote_path(path_remote)

# There is no remote set by default:
try(orderly::orderly_default_remote_get(root = path_local))

# We can set one:
orderly::orderly_default_remote_set(remote, root = path_local)

# and now we can retrieve it:
orderly::orderly_default_remote_get(root = path_local)

# Note that this has not affected the other orderly:
try(orderly::orderly_default_remote_get(root = path_remote))

Develop an orderly report


The functions orderly_develop_start, orderly_develop_status and orderly_develop_clean provide a workflow for developing a report in much the same way as one might write code outside of orderly. orderly_develop_start will copy all files required (global resources and dependencies) into the report source directory, as well as collect all data and parameters - at this point the directory can be developed in directly. It will also load all declared packages, and source all code files listed in the ⁠packages:⁠ and ⁠sources:⁠ sections of your orderly.yml. orderly_develop_status provides information about the status of files in the directory, while orderly_develop_clean deletes all copied files.


  name = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  envir = parent.frame(),
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  instance = NULL,
  use_draft = FALSE,
  remote = NULL

orderly_develop_status(name = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)

orderly_develop_clean(name = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



Name of the report to develop (see orderly_list()). A leading ⁠src/⁠ will be removed if provided, allowing easier use of autocomplete. Alternatively, the default of NULL is useful if you have already set the working directory to be the source directory.


Parameters passed to the report. A named list of parameters declared in the orderly.yml. Each parameter must be a scalar character, numeric, integer or logical.


The parent of the environment that will be used to evaluate the report script; by default a new environment will be made with the global environment as the parent.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Select instance of the source database to be used, where multiple instances are configured. Use a single unnamed character string to indicate an instance to match. If given, then this name must be present in all databases where instances are listed in orderly_config.yml, and will be ignored by all database where instances are not given. See the "orderly" vignette for further information.


Should draft reports be used for dependencies? This should be used only in development. Valid values are logical (TRUE, FALSE) or use the string newer to use draft reports where they are newer than archive reports. For consistency, always and never are equivalent to TRUE and FALSE, respectively.


Remote to use to resolve dependencies. Use this in order to run a report with the same dependencies as are available on a remote server, particularly when using id = "latest". Note that this is not the same as running orderly_pull_dependencies(), then orderly_run with remote = NULL, as the pull/run approach will use the latest report in your archive but the remote = "remote" approach will use the latest approach in the remote archive (which might be less recent).


These functions are designed to work within a report's src directory. For example, for a report analysis they will alter or report on the directory src/analysis. It is intended that orderly_develop_start can be run repeatedly; doing this will refresh the contents of the directory if upstream files have been updated.

Some degree of care should be used while using these functions.

Because orderly_develop_start copies files into your source tree you should be careful to add these files to your .gitignore files so that they are not included if using git. Rerunning orderly_develop_start will copy a fresh copy of dependencies into your tree, overwriting files that are there without warning.

Repeatedly running orderly_develop_start is "safe", in that it will re-run through the setup steps, but beware that sourcing functions is additive and never subtractive. If you delete (or rename) a function within a source file, it will not be removed from your global environment. Similarly, environment variables will be loaded each time you call this, but no deletions will happen. When in doubt, restart your R session.

Note that these functions are much more permissive as to the state of your orderly.yml than orderly_run() - in particular, they will run, with a message, even if you have not yet defined a ⁠script:⁠ or any ⁠artefacts:⁠.

The orderly_develop_clean function will delete dependencies without warning.


A character vector with the full path to the directory, invisibly.


path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

# This report uses a dependency - it requires that the file
# incoming.csv exists.  This file is created from the report 'other'
orderly::orderly_develop_status("use_dependency", root = path)

# Copy the required dependencies over, in this case from a draft report
orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0), root = path, echo = FALSE)
orderly::orderly_develop_start("use_dependency", root = path,
                               use_draft = TRUE)

# Files have been copied across into the source directory
orderly::orderly_develop_status("use_dependency", root = path)

# The report can then be developed as needed, interactively.  After
# we're happy things can be cleaned up with
orderly::orderly_develop_clean("use_dependency", root = path)

Set up an orderly example


Set up one of the orderly examples included with the package. These are not intended to be starting points for new orderly repositories, but are used in the package examples and vignettes.


  path = tempfile(),
  run_demo = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE,
  git = FALSE



Name of the example


Destination to create the example - if it exists already it must be an empty directory. By default, creates a new temporary directory


Logical, indicating if the example is configured as a "demo" (i.e., with a set of reports to be run and committed), should these be run?


Logical, indicating if informational messages should be suppressed when running the demo.


Logical, indicating if we should create an basic git repository along with the demo. This will have the default orderly .gitignore set up, and a remote which is itself (so that git pull and git fetch run without error, though they will do nothing).


Returns the path to the orderly example


# Create a new copy of the "minimal" example
path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")

# Example reports within this repository:

Print the dependency tree for a given report using orderly log


Investigate the dependency structure in a set of orderly reports. This function allows the dependency graph to be created for set of reports that have been run and committed (the archive) or of a set of reports that could be run (the src) to be discovered and printed to screen. This is experimental and somewhat subject to change and improvement.


  id = "latest",
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  direction = "downstream",
  propagate = TRUE,
  max_depth = Inf,
  recursion_limit = 100,
  show_all = FALSE,
  use = "archive"



the name of the report


the id of the report, if omitted, use the id of the latest report


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


A string indicating if we want to move up or down the tree permitted values are upstream, downstream


A boolean indicating if we want to propagate out of date through the tree


A numeric, how far back should the tree go, this can be useful to truncate a very large tree. (default = Inf)


A numeric, limit for depth of tree, if the tree goes beyond this then an error is thrown. (default = 100)


A boolean, should we show all reports in the tree, not just the latest.


Character string indicating what we read to infer the dependency tree. Current valid values are archive (the default), which reads from archive reports and src which reads from the source reports.


orderly allows a report to rely on the artefacts of one or more other orderly reports. This allows users to develop a network of interconnected reports where the output from report becomes the source of data for another. There are two natural questions that can develop around this workflow:

  1. We have updated a report; what are the reports that depend on this so that we can re-run them?

  2. We have a report that we want to re-run to ensure uses the latest information. Which other reports are used (directly or indirectly) by this report?

This function displays this information in an easily readable format. Allowing users to see the dependency tree and which reports are out of date and need to be re-run.


An orderly tree object with the root corresponding to the given report.


By default the tree is built using data from the local report database (see orderly_commit, orderly_db). This means that it will not find changes from a report that has not be run and committed. That is, if a user changes a report to use or create different artefacts this will not be picked up by the function until the reports are re-run and committed to the archive.

It is possible to generate a tree from the source reports by using use = "src" - this generates the "theoretical tree", and has no concept of being "up to date" or of ids.


This interface is considered experimental and may change without notice. Please do not depend on it in scripts as it may break things. Consider this a (hopefully) useful way of exploring the dependencies in your reports interactively - let us know what is missing and we'll try and build it out.


path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", root = path, parameters=list(nmin=0))
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path)
id <- orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency", root = path)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path)
id <- orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency_2", root = path)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path)
orderly::orderly_graph("other", root = path)
orderly::orderly_graph("use_dependency_2", root = path,
                                 direction = "upstream")

Given a tree return a list of reports to be re-run (and the order that they should be re-run)


Given a tree return a list of reports to be re-run (and the order that they should be re-run)





A dependency tree object from orderly_graph_out_of_date


a list of report names to be re-run. First report to rerun first

Return info about a report which has been run


This will return info from either successful or failed reports. It will look for the report with id in archive first and then look in drafts if it can't be found from archive.


orderly_info(id, name, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The report ID


The name of the report


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Info from report run - this is subject to change. Returns a list which includes report id, name, indication of success, run date and elapsed time, parameters, git info (if available), path to logfile (if exists) and details of error if the run failed


path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
id <- orderly::orderly_run("minimal", root = path)
orderly::orderly_info(id, "minimal", root = path)

Initialise an orderly store


Initialise an orderly store. This is a helper function that automates getting started with using orderly for a new project. It is not required to use - you can create the orderly structure yourself (all that is compulsory is the orderly_config.yml file).


orderly_init(root, doc = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)



The root of the store; this must be an empty directory or the path of a directory to create


Logical, indicating if documentation should be added to the directories. This also has the (potentially useful) effect of making these directories noticeable by git.


Logical, indicating if informational messages should be suppressed.


This function creates a minimal orderly structure, containing:

  • orderly_config.yml: The orderly configuration. Minimally, this can be empty, but it must exist.

  • src: The path where report sources live. This should be placed under version control, and contain a number of reports, each in their own directory with an orderly.yml describing their inputs and outputs (artefacts). The orderly_new() function can be used to accelerate creation of new reports.

  • draft: A directory where reports will be run using orderly_run(). This directory should be excluded from version control. orderly will create it as needed if it does not exist when a report is run.

  • archive: A directory where successfully run reports will be moved to after being committed with orderly_commit(). This directory should be excluded from version control. orderly will create it as needed if it does not exist when a report is committed.

  • data: A directory where data extracted from the database (if used) will be stored. This directory should be excluded from version control. orderly will create it as needed if it does not exist when a report is run.


The path to the newly created archive

See Also

orderly_new() for creating new reports within a configured orderly repository.


# Initialise a new orderly repository in an temporary directory:
path <- orderly::orderly_init(tempfile())

# This has created the directory skeleton that you need to get
# started using orderly:

# As instructed, the next thing to do is to edit the
# orderly_config.yml file to match your needs:
readLines(file.path(path, "orderly_config.yml"))

Find most recent report


Find most recent version of an orderly report. The most recent report is always the most recently run report that has been committed (regardless of the order in which they were committed).


  name = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  draft = FALSE,
  must_work = TRUE



Name of the report to find; if NULL returns the most recent report across all names


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Should draft reports be used searched? Valid values are logical (TRUE, FALSE) or use the string newer to use draft reports where they are newer than archive reports. For consistency, always and never are equivalent to TRUE and FALSE, respectively.


Throw an error if no report is found. If FALSE, returns NA_character_.


A character string with the id of the most recent report

See Also

orderly_list and orderly_list_archive for listing report names and versions.


path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
id1 <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = path, echo = FALSE)
id2 <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = path, echo = FALSE)

# With no reports committed there is no latest report:
orderly::orderly_latest("example", root = path, must_work = FALSE)

# Commit the first report and it will be reported as latest:
orderly::orderly_commit(id1, root = path)
orderly::orderly_latest("example", root = path)

# Commit the second report and it will be reported as latest instead:
orderly::orderly_commit(id2, root = path)
orderly::orderly_latest("example", root = path)

List orderly reports


List the names of reports known to orderly. These are the source names, not the results of running reports. Note that if a report has been committed from a different branch it will not appear here, as this is simply the set of reports in the src directory that can be run.


orderly_list(root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


A character vector of report names

See Also

orderly_list_archive() and orderly_list_drafts(), which list archived (committed) and draft reports and their versions.


# The orderly demo, with lots of potential reports:
path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

# Reports that _could_ be run:

List draft and archived reports


List draft and archived reports. This returns a data.frame with columns name (see orderly_list()) and id.


orderly_list_drafts(root = NULL, locate = TRUE, include_failed = FALSE)

orderly_list_archive(root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Logical, indicating if failed drafts should be listed (only has an effect for orderly_list_drafts as no failed run should make it into the archive). A failed report is one that lacks an orderly_run.rds file.


A data.frame with columns name and id, containing character vectors of report names and versions, respectively.

See Also

orderly_list(), which lists the names of source reports that can be run, and orderly_latest() which returns the id of the most recent report.


# The orderly demo, with lots of potential reports:
path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

# Reports that _could_ be run:

# Run a report twice:
id1 <- orderly::orderly_run("minimal", root = path)
id2 <- orderly::orderly_run("minimal", root = path)

# We can see both drafts:

# Nothing is in the archive:

# Commit a report:
orderly::orderly_commit(id2, root = path)

# Only one draft now

# And the second report is in the archive:

List reports with only local metadata


List reports that are present only as metadata; these are the result of doing orderly_pull_archive() with recursive = FALSE, in which case only metadata was downloaded and not the report contents itself.


orderly_list_metadata(root = NULL, locate = FALSE, include_archive = FALSE)



The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Logical, indicating if we should include reports that are also included in the archive.


A data.frame() with columns name and id, as for orderly_list_archive()


path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
# No metadata-only reports will be present, unless you have run
# orderly::orderly_pull_archive(..., recursive = FALSE)

Orderly logging and diagnostic messages


Start and stop the orderly log. When active, some actions will print diagnostic information to the message stream. This is set to be on by default.




orderly_log(topic, value)



Up to 9 character text string with the log topic


Character string with the log entry


The function orderly_log is designed to be used from applications that extend orderly, while the functions orderly_log_on and orderly_log_off can be used by applications or users to enable and disable log messages.

The interface here may expand by adding arguments or change behaviour based on global options. Future versions may support logging to a file, or adding timestamps, or logging in json format, etc.


orderly_log_on and orderly_log_off invisibly returns a logical indicating if logging was previously enabled. This allows patterns like:

if (!orderly::orderly_log_off()) {

to disable logging within a function (the on.exit block will be run when the function exits).

See Also

orderly_run(), which makes use of these log messages


# We are going to log things below
logging_was_enabled <- orderly::orderly_log_on()

# About orderly log messages:
# Orderly log messages have the form "[title] message"
orderly::orderly_log("title", "message")

# If logging is disabled they are not printed:
orderly::orderly_log("title", "message")

# Restore to previous settings:
if (logging_was_enabled) {

Migrate an orderly archive


Migrate an orderly archive. This is needed periodically when the orderly archive version changes. If you get a message like ⁠orderly archive needs migrating from a.b.c => x.y.z⁠ then you need to run this function. The archive version is at most equal to the package version.


  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  to = NULL,
  dry_run = FALSE,
  skip_failed = FALSE,
  clean = FALSE



The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


The version to migrate to. The default is the current archive version; this is almost always what is wanted.


Logical, indicating if we should try running the migration but not actually applying it. This is intended primarily for developing new migrations and will probably not work if you are multiple archive versions behind.


Logical, where TRUE we will skip over entries that failed to be migrated. This is expected to be useful on local archives only because it violates the append-only nature of orderly. However, if a local archive contains unusual copies of orderly archives that can't be migrated this might come in helpful.


Logical, where TRUE (and where the migration was successful and dry_run is FALSE) orderly will clean up all migration backup files. Use this periodically to clean up the archive.


Sometimes we add change information saved out in the orderly run. This requires patching previously run versions of the orderly metadata and that's not something we want to do lightly. This function uses a relatively safe, and reversible, way of migrating metadata. We modify the orderly_run.rds files, but will create versioned backups as files are changed.


No return value, this function is called only for its side effects


# Without an orderly repository created by a previous version of
# orderly, this function does nothing interesting:
path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")

Create new report


Create new report, starting from a template. Orderly comes with a set of templates, but projects can bring their own templates; see Details below for how these are configured and discovered by orderly.


orderly_new(name, root = NULL, locate = TRUE, quiet = FALSE, template = NULL)



Name of the new report (will be a directory name).


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Logical, indicating if informational messages should be suppressed.


The name of a template. If NULL orderly will search for a template (see Details). If given it must be the name of a directory within a directory template in your project root. The special label "orderly" will use orderly's builtin template.


To create a custom template, create a directory template within your orderly root. Within that directory create directories containing all the files that you would like a report to contain. This must contain a file orderly.yml but may contain further files (for example, you might want a default script and Rmd file).

If template is not given (i.e., is NULL) then we look for a template called default (i.e., stored at template/default), then fall back on the system orderly template.

We first look for a file orderly/template.yml within the orderly root. If that is not found, then a copy from the orderly package is used. This can always be used by using template = "system".


The path of the new source directory, invisibly

See Also

orderly_init() for initialising a new orderly repository.


path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")

# Create a new report with the name "myreport" in this orderly
# repository:
orderly::orderly_new("myreport", root = path)

# The directory will be initialised with a orderly.yml file
# containing documentation
dir(file.path(path, "src", "myreport"))
readLines(file.path(path, "src", "myreport", "orderly.yml"))

Return details of packages required by all src reports in this orderly repo


Return details of packages required by all src reports in this orderly repo


orderly_packages(root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


List of packages required by all src reports


path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
orderly::orderly_packages(root = path)

Download dependent reports


Download dependent reports from an orderly remote. This can only be used if the orderly_config.yml lists a remote. This allows for a centralised workflow where a central orderly store exists and holds the canonical copies of reports, from which versions can be downloaded into local stores.


  name = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  remote = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  recursive = TRUE

  id = "latest",
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  remote = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  recursive = TRUE

  id = "latest",
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  remote = NULL



Name of the report to download dependencies for. Alternatively, the default of NULL is useful if you have already set the working directory to be the source directory.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Description of the location. Typically this is a character string indicating a remote specified in the remotes block of your orderly_config.yml. It is also possible to pass in a directly created remote object (e.g., using orderly_remote_path(), or one provided by another package). If left NULL, then the default remote for this orderly repository is used - by default that is the first listed remote.


Parameters to pass through when doing dependency resolution. If you are using a query for id that involves a parameter (e.g., latest(parameter:x == p)) you will need to pass in the parameters here. Similarly, if you are pulling a report that uses query dependencies that reference parameters you need to pass them here (the same parameter set will be passed through to all dependencies).


Logical, indicating if all dependencies of a report should also be pulled. Setting this to FALSE only the direct reports, along with metadata for the dependencies; this will be potentially much faster, but leaves your archive in a more fragile state.


The identifier (for orderly_pull_archive). The default is to use the latest report.


The orderly_pull_archive function pulls report directly (without it being a dependent report).

After setting your username up you can run orderly_pull_dependencies("reportname") to pull the dependencies of "reportname" down so that "reportname" can be run, or you can run orderly_pull_archive("reportname") to pull a copy of "reportname" that has been run on the remote server.

Pulling an archive report from a remote also pulls its dependencies (recursively), and adds all of these to the local database. This may require migrating old orderly archives (orderly_migrate()). Note that this migration will likely fail for remote orderly versions older than 0.6.8 because the migration needs to read data files on disk that are not included in the downloaded archive in order to collect all the information required for the database. In this case, ask the administrator of the remote orderly archive to migrate their archive, and then re-pull.

Pushing an archive is possible only if the remote supports it. Currently this is supported by orderly_remote_path() remotes, though not by orderlyweb remotes. There is no control over what will accept a push at this point, nor any check that what you've pushed is "good" except that it exists in your archive. As with pulling an archive, pushes are recursive with respect to dependencies. The configuration interface here will likely change a little over time.


No return value, these functions are called only for their side effects

See Also

orderly_remote_path(), which implements the remote interface for orderly repositories at a local path. See also OrderlyWeb for a system for hosting orderly repositories over an HTTP API. vignette("remote", package = "orderly") describes the remote system in more detail.


# Suppose we have a "remote" orderly repository at some path.
# This might be read-only for you in practice and available via a
# network filesystem or a dropbox folder synced to your computer.
# We'll populate this with a pair of reports:
path_remote <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0),
                           root = path_remote, echo = FALSE)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path_remote)
id <- orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency",
                           root = path_remote, echo = FALSE)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path_remote)

# We'll create a an object to interact with this remote using
# orderly_remote_path.
remote <- orderly::orderly_remote_path(path_remote)

# We can use this object directly

# More typically one will interact with the functions
# orderly_pull_archive and orderly_pull_dependencies.

# Now, suppose that you have your "local" copy of this; it shares
# the same source (ordinarily these would both be under version
# control with git):
path_local <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

# If we wanted to run the report "use_dependency" we need to have
# a copy of the report "other", on which it depends:
try(orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency", root = path_local))

# We can "pull" dependencies of a report before running
orderly::orderly_pull_dependencies("use_dependency", remote = remote,
                                   root = path_local)

# Now we can run the report because we have a local copy of the
# dependency:
orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency", root = path_local)

# We can also directly pull previously run reports:
orderly::orderly_pull_archive("use_dependency", id, remote = remote,
                              root = path_local)
orderly::orderly_list_archive(root = path_local)

Rebuild the report database


Rebuild the report database. This is necessary when the orderly database schema changes, and you will be prompted to run this function after upgrading orderly in that case.


  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  if_schema_changed = FALSE



The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Logical, indicating if information about the rebuild should be printed as it runs


Logical, indicating if the rebuild should take place only if the schema has changed. This is designed to be safe to use in (say) deployment scripts because it will be fast enough to call regularly.


The report database (orderly's "destination" database) is essentially an index over all the metadata associated with reports. It is used by orderly itself, and can be used by applications that extend orderly (e.g., OrderlyWeb. All the data in this database can be rebuilt from files stored with the committed (archive) orderly reports, using the orderly_rebuild function.


No return value, this function is called only for its side effects


path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
id <- orderly::orderly_run("example", root = path)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path)

con <- orderly::orderly_db("destination", root = path)
DBI::dbReadTable(con, "report_version")

# The database can be removed and will be rebuilt if requested
# (this is only a good idea if you do not extend the database with
# your own fields - only the fields that orderly looks after can
# be recovered!)
file.remove(file.path(path, "orderly.sqlite"))
file.exists(file.path(path, "orderly.sqlite"))
con <- orderly::orderly_db("destination", root = path)
DBI::dbReadTable(con, "report_version")

# It is safe to rebuild a database repeatedly, though this can be
# slow with larger databases.

Get a remote


Get a remote, based on the configuration in orderly_config.yml - different remote drivers have different methods, and this function gives you access to these lower-level objects.


orderly_remote(remote = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



Description of the location. Typically this is a character string indicating a remote specified in the remotes block of your orderly_config.yml. It is also possible to pass in a directly created remote object (e.g., using orderly_remote_path(), or one provided by another package). If left NULL, then the default remote for this orderly repository is used - by default that is the first listed remote.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


The orderly remote, as described in orderly_config.yml - if no remotes are configured, or if the requested remote does not exist, an error will be thrown.

See Also

orderly_pull_dependencies() which provides a higher-level interface to pulling from a remote (including adding the downloaded archive into your orderly repository), and see the documentation underlying the orderly remote driver that your orderly_config.yml declares for information about using that remote.


## We need two orderly repositories here - one as a "local" and one as
## a "remote" (see ?orderly_pull_archive)
path_remote <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
path_local <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

## Configure our remote:
path_config <- file.path(path_local, "orderly_config.yml")
txt <- readLines(path_config)
  "  default:",
  "    driver: orderly::orderly_remote_path",
  "    args:",
  paste("      path:", path_remote)),

## Get our remote:
remote <- orderly::orderly_remote(root = path_local)

## Can use the remote's methods to interact directly - actual methods
## depend on the remote driver being used.

Orderly remote at a different path


Create a "handle" for interacting with orderly repositories that are hosted at a different path. This might be useful in cases where you have access to an orderly repository via a network mount or a synchronised folder (e.g., Dropbox, Box, etc). More generally, orderly_remote_path implements an interface used by orderly to abstract over different ways that orderly repositories might be hosted remotely, including over HTTP APIs.


orderly_remote_path(path, name = NULL)



Path to the orderly store


Name of the remote


An orderly_remote_path object, with methods that orderly will use in order to control this remote

See Also

orderly_pull_dependencies() and orderly_pull_archive(), which are the primary ways these remote objects are used. See also OrderlyWeb for a system for hosting orderly repositories over an HTTP API.


# Suppose we have a "remote" orderly repository at some path.
# This might be read-only for you in practice and available via a
# network filesystem or a dropbox folder synced to your computer.
# We'll populate this with a pair of reports:
path_remote <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0),
                           root = path_remote, echo = FALSE)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path_remote)
id <- orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency",
                           root = path_remote, echo = FALSE)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path_remote)

# We'll create a an object to interact with this remote using
# orderly_remote_path.
remote <- orderly::orderly_remote_path(path_remote)

# We can use this object directly

# More typically one will interact with the functions
# orderly_pull_archive and orderly_pull_dependencies.

# Now, suppose that you have your "local" copy of this; it shares
# the same source (ordinarily these would both be under version
# control with git):
path_local <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

# If we wanted to run the report "use_dependency" we need to have
# a copy of the report "other", on which it depends:
try(orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency", root = path_local))

# We can "pull" dependencies of a report before running
orderly::orderly_pull_dependencies("use_dependency", remote = remote,
                                   root = path_local)

# Now we can run the report because we have a local copy of the
# dependency:
orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency", root = path_local)

# We can also directly pull previously run reports:
orderly::orderly_pull_archive("use_dependency", id, remote = remote,
                              root = path_local)
orderly::orderly_list_archive(root = path_local)

Get status of remote queue.


Get the status of the remote queue as a list.


orderly_remote_status(root = NULL, locate = TRUE, remote = NULL)



The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Description of the location. Typically this is a character string indicating a remote specified in the remotes block of your orderly_config.yml. It is also possible to pass in a directly created remote object (e.g., using orderly_remote_path(), or one provided by another package). If left NULL, then the default remote for this orderly repository is used - by default that is the first listed remote.


List containing details of running and queued reports on the remote queue. Including report name, status and version (where known)

Run a report


Run a report. This will create a new directory in ⁠drafts/<reportname>⁠, copy your declared resources there, extract data from databases (if you are using them), run your script and check that all expected artefacts were created. Once successfully run you can use orderly_commit() to move it to the archive directory.


  name = NULL,
  parameters = NULL,
  envir = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  echo = TRUE,
  message = NULL,
  instance = NULL,
  use_draft = FALSE,
  remote = NULL,
  tags = NULL



Name of the report to run (see orderly_list()). A leading ⁠src/⁠ will be removed if provided, allowing easier use of autocomplete. Alternatively, the default of NULL is useful if you have already set the working directory to be the source directory.


Parameters passed to the report. A named list of parameters declared in the orderly.yml. Each parameter must be a scalar character, numeric, integer or logical.


The parent of the environment that will be used to evaluate the report script; by default a new environment will be made with the global environment as the parent.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Print the result of running the R code to the console


An optional character string containing a message explaining why the report was run


Select instance of the source database to be used, where multiple instances are configured. Use a single unnamed character string to indicate an instance to match. If given, then this name must be present in all databases where instances are listed in orderly_config.yml, and will be ignored by all database where instances are not given. See the "orderly" vignette for further information.


Should draft reports be used for dependencies? This should be used only in development. Valid values are logical (TRUE, FALSE) or use the string newer to use draft reports where they are newer than archive reports. For consistency, always and never are equivalent to TRUE and FALSE, respectively.


Remote to use to resolve dependencies. Use this in order to run a report with the same dependencies as are available on a remote server, particularly when using id = "latest". Note that this is not the same as running orderly_pull_dependencies(), then orderly_run with remote = NULL, as the pull/run approach will use the latest report in your archive but the remote = "remote" approach will use the latest approach in the remote archive (which might be less recent).


Character vector of tags to add to the report. Tags are immutable and cannot be removed once the report is run. Tags added here will be in addition to any tags listed in the ⁠tags:⁠ field in orderly.yml and must be present in orderly_config.yml.


Parameters are passed to the report as a named list, for example

id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0.2), root = path)

(see the examples). The names of the parameters (here, nmin) must correspond to declared parameters in the orderly.yml. It is an error if parameters without a default are omitted, and it is an error if unknown parameters are provided.

Environment variables that are created in orderly_envir.yml will be available while the report runs. Those that begin with ORDERLY_ will be saved into the orderly_run.rds within the ⁠$env⁠ section (except for any that match the patterns "TOKEN", "PAT" or "PASS").


The id of the newly created report

See Also

orderly_log() for controlling display of log messages (not just R output)


path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

# To run most reports, provide the report name (and the path if
# not running in the working directory, as is the case here):
id <- orderly::orderly_run("minimal", root = path)

# Every report gets a unique identifier, based on the time (it is
# ISO 8601 time with random hex appended to end)

# After being run, a report is a "draft" and will exist in the
# drafts directory:
orderly::orderly_list_drafts(root = path)

# Draft reports are always stored in the path
# <root>/draft/<name>/<id>, so we have
dir(file.path(path, "draft", "minimal", id))

# which contains the files when the report was run.

# If a report has parameters, then these must be passed in as a
# named list.
id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0.2), root = path)

# These parameters can be used in SQL queries or in the report
# code.

Information on current orderly run


This function allows inspection of some of orderly's metadata during an orderly run. The format returned is internal to orderly and subject to change. It is designed to be used within report code. To use in conjunction with orderly_test_start(), you must pass in the path to the report in question.


orderly_run_info(path = NULL)



Path to the report currently being run. This should be left as NULL when running a report, and the path to the report being run should be used when using orderly_test_start()


A list of metadata about the current report


It is important that this data is treated as readonly!


path <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")

# This example uses orderly_run_info within its script, saving the
# output to "output.rds"
readLines(file.path(path, "src", "use_dependency", "script.R"))

# Run the dependency:
id <- orderly::orderly_run("other", list(nmin = 0), root = path)
orderly::orderly_commit(id, root = path)

# Then the report
id <- orderly::orderly_run("use_dependency", root = path)

# This is the contents:
readRDS(file.path(path, "draft", "use_dependency", id, "info.rds"))

Run a report on a remote server


Run a report on a remote server. Note that this is only supported for remotes using OrderlyWeb at present.


  parameters = NULL,
  ref = NULL,
  timeout = NULL,
  wait = 3600,
  poll = 1,
  open = TRUE,
  stop_on_error = TRUE,
  stop_on_timeout = TRUE,
  progress = TRUE,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  instance = NULL,
  remote = NULL



Name of the report


Parameters for the report


Optional reference, indicating which branch should be used. This cannot be used if the remote has default_branch_only set.


Time to tell the server to wait before killing the report.


Time to wait for the report to be run; if the report takes longer than this time to run but timeout is longer it will remain running on the server but we will stop waiting for it and instead throw an error.


Period to poll the server for results (in seconds)


Logical, indicating if the report should be opened in a browser on completion (if supported by the remote)


Logical, indicating if we should throw an error if the report fails. If you set this to FALSE it will be much easier to debug, but more annoying in scripts. If the report times out on the server (i.e., takes longer than timeout) that counts as an error.


Logical, indicating if we should throw an error if the report takes longer than wait seconds to complete.


Logical, indicating if a progress spinner should be included.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Select instance of the source database to be used, where multiple instances are configured. Use a single unnamed character string to indicate an instance to match. Will use default if NULL.


Description of the location. Typically this is a character string indicating a remote specified in the remotes block of your orderly_config.yml. It is also possible to pass in a directly created remote object (e.g., using orderly_remote_path(), or one provided by another package). If left NULL, then the default remote for this orderly repository is used - by default that is the first listed remote.


No return value, this function is called only for its side effects


path_remote <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
path_local <- orderly::orderly_example("demo")
remote <- orderly::orderly_remote_path(path_remote)
# Currently, path remotes don't support run
  "minimal", remote = remote, root = path_local))

Prepare a directory for orderly to use


For interactive testing of orderly code. This runs through and sets everything up as orderly would (creates a new working directory and copies files into it, pulls data from the database, copies over any dependent reports) but then rather than running the report hands back to the user.


  parameters = NULL,
  envir = parent.frame(),
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  instance = NULL,
  use_draft = FALSE,
  remote = NULL

orderly_test_check(path = NULL)



Name of the report to run (see orderly_list()). A leading ⁠src/⁠ will be removed if provided, allowing easier use of autocomplete.


Parameters passed to the report. A named list of parameters declared in the orderly.yml. Each parameter must be a scalar character, numeric, integer or logical.


The parent of the environment that will be used to evaluate the report script; by default a new environment will be made with the global environment as the parent.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Select instance of the source database to be used, where multiple instances are configured. Use a single unnamed character string to indicate an instance to match. If given, then this name must be present in all databases where instances are listed in orderly_config.yml, and will be ignored by all database where instances are not given. See the "orderly" vignette for further information.


Should draft reports be used for dependencies? This should be used only in development. Valid values are logical (TRUE, FALSE) or use the string newer to use draft reports where they are newer than archive reports. For consistency, always and never are equivalent to TRUE and FALSE, respectively.


Remote to use to resolve dependencies. Use this in order to run a report with the same dependencies as are available on a remote server, particularly when using id = "latest". Note that this is not the same as running orderly_pull_dependencies(), then orderly_run with remote = NULL, as the pull/run approach will use the latest report in your archive but the remote = "remote" approach will use the latest approach in the remote archive (which might be less recent).


Path to the report that is currently being run


Previous versions of orderly changed into the created directory when using orderly::orderly_test_start, which allowed interactive testing of a report, including ensuring that it has created all expected outputs. However, CRAN rules do not allow changing the working directory, which significantly reduces the usefulness of this function - as such we may remove it entirely in a future version of orderly if it does not prove useful in this more limited form.

The new suggested workflow is:

  1. run orderly_test_start(...) to prepare a report directory

  2. manually change into that directory following the printed instructions

  3. use orderly_test_check to check that your report has created the expected artefacts

  4. manually change back to your original directory


The path to the report directory


path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")
p <- orderly::orderly_test_start("example", root = path)

# The data in the orderly example is now available to use

# Check to see which artefacts have been created so far:

# Manually the code that this report has in its script
png(file.path(p, "mygraph.png"))
barplot(setNames(dat$number, dat$name), las = 2)

# We now confirm that the artefact has been created:

Add a resource to orderly.yml


Add one or more resources to an orderly.yml file.


  name = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  show = TRUE,
  edit = TRUE,
  prompt = TRUE

  name = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  show = TRUE,
  edit = TRUE,
  prompt = TRUE

  name = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  show = TRUE,
  edit = TRUE,
  prompt = TRUE

  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE,
  show = TRUE,
  edit = TRUE,
  prompt = TRUE


resources, sources

Character vector of resources or sources to add. These must be filenames relative to the report directory, must exist, and must not already be present in the orderly.yml


Name of the report to modify. Like orderly_develop_start() this can be NULL if you have already set the working directory to be the source directory.


The path to an orderly root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE.


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an orderly_config.yml file.


Logical, indicating if we should print the proposed changes to screen


Logical, indicating if we should actually edit the orderly.yml file.


Logical, indicating if we should prompt before editing the orderly.yml file. Only has an effect if edit is TRUE.


Character vector of package names to add. These must not already exist in the orderly.yml


The orderly_use_gitignore configures a basic .gitignore file at the root of your orderly project that will prevent files from being added to git. This is only really useful if you are using (or will use) git, but it is harmless at worst.


Invisibly, this function returns information about the file it would edit. This information is primarily for debugging purposes and the format is subject to change.


path <- orderly::orderly_example("minimal")

# Suppose we wanted to use the mtcars data within our report.
# First, the file must exist:
write.csv(mtcars, file.path(path, "src", "example", "mtcars.csv"),
          row.names = FALSE)

# Preview expected changes
orderly::orderly_use_resource("mtcars.csv", "example", path, edit = FALSE)

# Modify the orderly.yml file within src/example:
orderly::orderly_use_resource("mtcars.csv", "example", path, prompt = FALSE)

# The result is a file that now has a 'resources' section
# containing our new file
writeLines(readLines(file.path(path, "src", "example", "orderly.yml")))

# (of course, we'd still need to modify the script to use it).