Package 'orderly2'

Title: Orderly Next Generation
Description: Reimplementation of orderly based on outpack.
Authors: Rich FitzJohn [aut, cre], Robert Ashton [aut], Alex Hill [aut], Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine [cph]
Maintainer: Rich FitzJohn <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.99.41
Built: 2024-09-30 16:18:02 UTC

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Declare orderly artefacts


Declare an artefact. By doing this you turn on a number of orderly features; see Details below. You can have multiple calls to this function within your orderly script.


orderly_artefact(description = NULL, files)



The name of the artefact


The files within this artefact


(1) files matching this will not be copied over from the src directory to the draft directory unless they are also listed as a resource with orderly_resource(). This feature is only enabled if you call this function from the top level of the orderly script and if it contains only string literals (no variables).

(2) if your script fails to produce these files, then orderly_run() will fail, guaranteeing that your task does really produce the things you need it to.

(3) within the final metadata, your artefacts will have additional metadata; the description that you provide and a grouping



Clean up source directory


Find, and delete, file that were generated by running a report. Until you're comfortable with what this will do, you are strongly recommended to run orderly_cleanup_status first to see what will be deleted.


orderly_cleanup(name = NULL, dry_run = FALSE, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)

orderly_cleanup_status(name = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



Name of the report directory to clean (i.e., we look at ⁠src/<name>⁠ relative to your orderly root


Logical, indicating if we should not delete anything, but instead just print information about what we would do


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does require that the directory is configured for orderly, and not just outpack (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory


After file deletion, we look through and remove all empty directories; orderly2 has similar semantics here to git where directories are never directly tracked.

For recent gert (not yet on CRAN) we will ask git if files are ignored; if ignored then they are good candidates for deletion! We encourage you to keep a per-report .gitignore that lists files that will copy into the source directory, and then we can use that same information to clean up these files after generation. Importantly, even if a file matches an ignore rule but has been committed to your repository, it will no longer match the ignore rule.


An (currently unstable) object of class orderly_cleanup_status within which the element delete indicates files that would be deleted (for orderly_cleanup_status) or that were deleted (for orderly_cleanup)

Notes for user of orderly1

In orderly1 this function has quite different semantics, because the full set of possible files is always knowable from the yaml file. So there, we start from the point of view of the list of files then compare that with the directory.


# Create a simple example:
path <- orderly2::orderly_example("default")

# We simulate running a packet interactively by using 'source';
# you might have run this line-by-line, or with the "Source"
# button in Rstudio.
source(file.path(path, "src/data/data.R"), chdir = TRUE)

# Having run this, the output of the report is present in the
# source directory:

# We can detect what might want cleaning up by running
# "orderly_cleanup_status":
orderly2::orderly_cleanup_status("data", root = path)

# Soon this will print more nicely to the screen, but for now you
# can see that the status of "data.rds" is "derived", which means
# that orderly knows that it is subject to being cleaned up; the
# "delete" element shows what will be deleted.

# Do the actual deletion:
orderly2::orderly_cleanup("data", root = path)

Read configuration


Read the current orderly configuration, stored within the outpack root, along with any orderly-specific extensions.


orderly_config(root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


A list of configuration options:

  • core: The most important options about the outpack store, containing:

    • path_archive: The path to the human-readable packet archive, or NULL if disabled (set in orderly_config_set as core.path_archive)

    • use_file_store: Indicates if a content-addressable file store is enabled (core.use_file_store)

    • require_complete_tree: Indicates if this outpack store requires all dependencies to be fully available (core.require_complete_tree)

    • hash_algorithm: The hash algorithm used (currently not modifiable)

  • location: Information about locations; see orderly_location_add, orderly_location_rename and orderly_location_remove to interact with this configuration, or orderly_location_list to more simply list available locations. Returns as a data.frame with columns name, id, priority, type and args, with args being a list column.

  • orderly: A list of orderly-specific configuration; this is just the minimum required version (as minimum_orderly_version).


# A default configuration in a new temporary directory
path <- withr::local_tempdir()

Set configuration options


Set configuration options. Not all can currently be set; this will be expanded over time. See Details.


orderly_config_set(..., options = list(...), root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



Named options to set (e.g., pass the argument core.require_complete_tree = TRUE)


As an alternative to ..., you can pass a list of named options here (e.g., list(core.require_complete_tree = TRUE)). This interface is typically easier to program against.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


Options are set in the order that they are provided. Currently, if setting one option fails, no further options will be processed but previous ones will be (do not rely on this behaviour, it may change).

Currently you can set:

  • core.require_complete_tree

See orderly_init for description of these options.



See Also



# The default configuration does not include a file store, and
# saves output within the "archive" directory:
path <- withr::local_tempdir()
fs::dir_tree(path, all = TRUE)

# Change this after the fact:
orderly2::orderly_config_set(core.use_file_store = TRUE,
                             core.path_archive = NULL,
                             root = path)
fs::dir_tree(path, all = TRUE)

Copy files from a packet


Copy files from a packet to anywhere. Similar to orderly_dependency except that this is not used in an active packet context. You can use this function to pull files from an outpack root to a directory outside of the control of outpack, for example. Note that all arguments need must be provided by name, not position, with the exception of the id or query.


  overwrite = TRUE,
  envir = parent.frame(),
  options = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE



Arguments passed through to orderly_query, perhaps just a query expression


Files to copy from the other packet. This can be (1) a character vector, in which case files are copied over without changing their names, (2) a named character vector, in which case the name will be used as the destination name, or (3) a data.frame (including tbl_df, or data.frame objects) containing columns from and to, in which case the files from will be copied with names to.

In all cases, if you want to import a directory of files from a packet, you must refer to the source with a trailing slash (e.g., c(here = "there/")), which will create the local directory here/... with files from the upstream packet directory ⁠there/⁠. If you omit the slash then an error will be thrown suggesting that you add a slash if this is what you intended.

You can use a limited form of string interpolation in the names of this argument; using ⁠${variable}⁠ will pick up values from envir and substitute them into your string. This is similar to the interpolation you might be familiar with from glue::glue or similar, but much simpler with no concatenation or other fancy features supported.

Note that there is an unfortunate, but (to us) avoidable inconsistency here; interpolation of values from your environment in the query is done by using environment:x and in the destination filename by doing ⁠${x}⁠.


The directory to copy into


Overwrite files at the destination; this is typically what you want, but set to FALSE if you would prefer that an error be thrown if the destination file already exists.


Optionally, an environment to substitute into the query (using the ⁠environment:⁠ prefix). The default here is to use the calling environment, but you can explicitly pass this in if you want to control where this lookup happens.


Optionally, a orderly_search_options object for controlling how the search is performed, and which packets should be considered in scope. If not provided, default options are used (i.e., orderly2::orderly_search_options())


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


You can call this function with an id as a string, in which case we do not search for the packet and proceed regardless of whether or not this id is present. If called with any other arguments (e.g., a string that does not match the id format, or a named argument name, subquery or parameters) then we interpret the arguments as a query and orderly_search to find the id. It is an error if this query does not return exactly one packet id, so you probably want to use latest().

There are different ways that this might fail (or recover from failure):

  • if id is not known in the metadata store (not known because it's not unpacked but also not known to be present in some other remote) then this will fail because it's impossible to resolve the files. Consider refreshing the metadata with orderly_location_pull_metadata to refresh this.

  • if the id is not unpacked and no local copy of the files referred to can be found, we error by default (but see the next option). However, sometimes the file you refer to might also be present because you have downloaded a packet that depended on it, or because the content of the file is unchanged because from some other packet version you have locally.

  • if the id is not unpacked, there is no local copy of the file and if allow_remote is TRUE we will try and request the file from whatever remote would be selected by orderly_location_pull_packet for this packet.

Note that empty directories might be created on failure.


Nothing, invisibly. Primarily called for its side effect of copying files from a packet into the directory dest

Declare a dependency


Declare a dependency on another packet


orderly_dependency(name, query, files)



The name of the packet to depend on


The query to search for; often this will simply be the string latest, indicating the most recent version. You may want a more complex query here though.


Files to copy from the other packet. This can be (1) a character vector, in which case files are copied over without changing their names, (2) a named character vector, in which case the name will be used as the destination name, or (3) a data.frame (including tbl_df, or data.frame objects) containing columns from and to, in which case the files from will be copied with names to.

In all cases, if you want to import a directory of files from a packet, you must refer to the source with a trailing slash (e.g., c(here = "there/")), which will create the local directory here/... with files from the upstream packet directory ⁠there/⁠. If you omit the slash then an error will be thrown suggesting that you add a slash if this is what you intended.

You can use a limited form of string interpolation in the names of this argument; using ⁠${variable}⁠ will pick up values from envir and substitute them into your string. This is similar to the interpolation you might be familiar with from glue::glue or similar, but much simpler with no concatenation or other fancy features supported.

Note that there is an unfortunate, but (to us) avoidable inconsistency here; interpolation of values from your environment in the query is done by using environment:x and in the destination filename by doing ⁠${x}⁠.


See orderly_run for some details about how search options are used to select which locations packets are found from, and if any data is fetched over the network. If you are running interactively, this will obviously not work, so you should use orderly_interactive_set_search_options() to set the options that this function will respond to.



Describe the current packet


Describe the current packet


orderly_description(display = NULL, long = NULL, custom = NULL)



A friendly name for the report; this will be displayed in some locations of the web interface, packit. If given, it must be a scalar character.


A longer description of the report. If given, it must be a scalar character.


Any additional metadata. If given, it must be a named list, with all elements being scalar atomics (character, number, logical).



Copy a simple orderly example


Copy a simple orderly example for use in the docs. This function should not form part of your workflow!


orderly_example(name, ..., dest = NULL)



The name of the example to copy. Currently only "default" is supported.


Arguments passed through to orderly_init()


The destination. By default we use withr::local_tempfile() which will create a temporary directory that will clean itself up. This is suitable for use from the orderly examples, but you may prefer to provide your own path. The path must not already exist.


Invisibly, the path to the example.


path <- orderly2::orderly_example("default")
orderly2::orderly_list_src(root = path)

Update a gitignore file


Update a gitignore, which is useful to prevent accidentally committing files to source control that are generated. This includes artefacts, shared resources and dependencies (within a report directory) or at the global level all the contents of the .outpack directory, the draft folder and the archive directory.


orderly_gitignore_update(name, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The name of the gitignore file to update, or the string "(root)"


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does require that the directory is configured for orderly, and not just outpack (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory


If this function fails with a message ⁠Can't edit '.gitignore', markers are corrupted⁠, then look for the special markers within the .gitignore file. It should look like

# ---VVV--- added by orderly ---VVV----------------
# Don't manually edit content between these markers
... patterns
# ---^^^--- added by orderly ---^^^----------------

We can't edit the file if:

  • any of these lines appears more than once in the file

  • there is anything between the first two lines

  • they are not in this order

If you get the error message, search and remove these lines and rerun.


Nothing, called for its side effects

Compute a hash


Use orderly2's hashing functions. This is intended for advanced users, in particular those who want to create hashes that are consistent with orderly2 from within plugins. The default behaviour is to use the same algorithm as used in the orderly root (via the root argument, and the usual root location approach). However, if a string is provided for algorithm you can use an alternative algorithm.


orderly_hash_file(path, algorithm = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)

orderly_hash_data(data, algorithm = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The name of the file to hash


The name of the algorithm to use, overriding that in the orderly root.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


A string to hash


A string in the format ⁠<algorithm>:<digest>⁠


orderly2::orderly_hash_data("hello", "md5")

Initialise an orderly repository


Initialise an empty orderly repository, or initialise a source copy of an orderly repository (see Details). An orderly repository is defined by the presence of a file orderly_config.yml at its root, along with a directory ⁠.outpack/⁠ at the same level.


  root = ".",
  path_archive = "archive",
  use_file_store = FALSE,
  require_complete_tree = FALSE,
  force = FALSE



The path to initialise the repository root at. If the repository is already initialised, this operation checks that the options passed in are the same as those set in the repository (erroring if not), but otherwise does nothing. The default path is the current working directory.


Path to the archive directory, used to store human-readable copies of packets. If NULL, no such copy is made, and file_store must be TRUE


Logical, indicating if we should use a content-addressable file-store as the source of truth for packets. If archive is non-NULL, the file-store will be used as the source of truth and the duplicated files in archive exist only for convenience.


Logical, indicating if we require a complete tree of packets. This currently affects orderly_location_pull_packet, by requiring that it always operates in recursive mode. This is FALSE by default, but set to TRUE if you want your archive to behave well as a location; if TRUE you will always have all the packets that you hold metadata about.


Logical, indicating if we shold initialise orderly even if the directory is not empty.


It is expected that orderly_config.yml will be saved in version control, but that .outpack will be excluded from version control; this means that for every clone of your project you will need to call orderly2::orderly_init() to initialise the .outpack directory. If you forget to do this, an error will be thrown reminding you of what you need to do.

You can safely call orderly2::orderly_init() on an already-initialised directory, however, any arguments passed through must exactly match the configuration of the current root, otherwise an error will be thrown. Please use orderly_config_set to change the configuration, as this ensures that the change in configuration is possible. If configuration options are given but match those that the directory already uses, then nothing happens.

If the repository that you call orderly2::orderly_init() on is already initialised with an .outpack directory but not an orderly_config.yml file, then we will write that file too.


The full, normalised, path to the root, invisibly. Typically this is called only for its side effect.


# We'll use an automatically cleaned-up directory for the root:
path <- withr::local_tempdir()

# Initialise a new repository, setting an option:
orderly2::orderly_init(path, use_file_store = TRUE)

# fs::dir_tree(path, all = TRUE)

Set search options for interactive use


Set search options for interactive use of orderly; see orderly_dependency and orderly_run for details. This may be either an orderly_search_options object, or a list that will be coerced into one at the point of use (or NULL). This applies only for the current session, but applies to all interactive uses of orderly functions that might have received a copy of search_options via orderly_run


orderly_interactive_set_search_options(options = NULL)



Optional control over locations, when used with orderly_dependency; see of Details section of orderly_run.


Nothing, called for its side effects

List source reports


List source reports - that is, directories within ⁠src/⁠ that look suitable for running with orderly; these will be directories that contain an entrypoint file - a .R file with the same name as the directory (e.g., src/data/data.R corresponds to data).


orderly_list_src(root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does require that the directory is configured for orderly, and not just outpack (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory


A character vector of names of source reports, suitable for passing to orderly_run

See Also

orderly_metadata_extract for listing packets that have completed


path <- orderly2::orderly_example("default")
orderly2::orderly_list_src(root = path)

Add a new location


Add a new location - a place where other packets might be found and pulled into your local archive. Currently only file and http based locations are supported, with limited support for custom locations. Note that adding a location does not pull metadata from it, you need to call orderly_location_pull_metadata first.


orderly_location_add(name, type, args, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The short name of the location to use. Cannot be in use, and cannot be one of local or orphan


The type of location to add. Currently supported values are path (a location that exists elsewhere on the filesystem) and http (a location accessed over outpack's http API).


Arguments to the location driver. The arguments here will vary depending on the type used, see Details.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


We currently support two types of locations - path, which points to an outpack archive accessible by path (e.g., on the same computer or on a mounted network share), http, which requires that an outpack server is running at some url and uses an HTTP API to communicate, and packit, which uses Packit as a web server. More types may be added later, and more configuration options to these location types will definitely be needed in future.

Configuration options for different location types:

Path locations:

  • path: The path to the other archive root. This should generally be an absolute path, or the behaviour of outpack will be unreliable.

HTTP locations:

Accessing outpack over HTTP requires that an outpack server is running. The interface here is expected to change as we expand the API, but also as we move to support things like TLS and authentication.

  • url: The location of the server, including protocol, for example ⁠⁠

Packit locations:

Packit locations work over HTTPS, and include everything in an outpack location but also provide authentication and later will have more capabilities we think.

  • url: The location of the server

  • token: The value for your your login token (currently this is a GitHub token with read:org scope). If missing or NULL, orderly2 will perform an interactive authentication against GitHub to obtain one.

  • save_token: If no token is provided and interactive authentication is used, this controls whether the GitHub token should be saved to disk. Defaults to TRUE if missing.

Custom locations:

All outpack implementations are expected to support path and http locations, with the standard arguments above. But we expect that some implementations will support custom locations, and that the argument lists for these may vary between implementations. To allow this, you can pass a location of type "custom" with a list of arguments. We expect an argument 'driver' to be present among this list. For an example of this in action, see the outpack.sharepoint package.

Be warned that we may change this interface in future, in which case you may need to update your configuration.




The API here may change as we move to support different types of locations.

List known pack locations


List known locations. The special name local will always be present within the output from this function (this is packets known at the current root), though you will typically be interested in other locations.


orderly_location_list(verbose = FALSE, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



Logical, indicating if we should return a data.frame that includes more information about the location.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


Depending on the value of verbose:

  • verbose = FALSE: A character vector of location names. This is the default behaviour.

  • verbose = TRUE: A data.frame with columns name, type and args. The args column is a list column, with each element being the key-value pair arguments to the location.

See Also

orderly_location_pull_metadata, which can update your outpack index with metadata from any of the locations listed here.

Pull metadata from a location


Pull metadata from a location, updating the index. This should always be relatively quick as it updates only small files that contain information about what can be found in remote packets.


orderly_location_pull_metadata(location = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The name of a location to pull from (see orderly_location_list for possible values). If not given, pulls from all locations. The "local" and "orphan" locations are always up to date and pulling metadata from them does nothing.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml



Pull one or more packets from a location


Pull one or more packets (including all their files) into this archive from one or more of your locations. This will make files available for use as dependencies (e.g., with orderly_dependency).


  options = NULL,
  recursive = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE



Arguments passed through to orderly_search. In the special case where the first argument is a character vector of ids and there are no named dot arguments, then we interpret this argument as a vector of ids directly. Be careful here, your query may pull a lot of data

  • in particular, passing NULL will match everything that every remote has!


Options passed to orderly_search. The option allow_remote must be TRUE as otherwise no packet could possibly be pulled, so an error is thrown if this is FALSE.


If non-NULL, a logical, indicating if we should recursively pull all packets that are referenced by the packets specified in id. This might copy a lot of data! If NULL, we default to the value given by the the configuration option require_complete_tree.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


It is possible that it will take a long time to pull packets, if you are moving a lot of data or if you are operating over a slow connection. Cancelling and resuming a pull should be fairly efficient, as we keep track of files that are copied over even in the case of an interrupted pull.


Invisibly, the ids of packets that were pulled

Push tree to location


Push tree to location. This function works out what packets are not known at the location and then what files are required to create them. It then pushes all the files required to build all packets and then pushes the missing metadata to the server. If the process is interrupted it is safe to resume and will only transfer files and packets that were missed on a previous call.


orderly_location_push(packet_id, location, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



One or more packets to push to the server


The name of a location to push to (see orderly_location_list for possible values).


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


Invisibly, details on the information that was actually moved (which might be more or less than what was requested, depending on the dependencies of packets and what was already known on the other location).

Remove a location


Remove an existing location. Any packets from this location and not known elsewhere will now be associated with the 'orphan' location instead.


orderly_location_remove(name, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The short name of the location. Cannot remove local or orphan


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml



Rename a location


Rename an existing location


orderly_location_rename(old, new, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The current short name of the location. Cannot rename local or orphan


The desired short name of the location. Cannot be one of local or orphan


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml



Read outpack metadata


Read metadata for a particular id. You may want to use orderly_search to find an id corresponding to a particular query.


orderly_metadata(id, root = NULL, locate = FALSE)



The id to fetch metadata for. An error will be thrown if this id is not known


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


A list of metadata. See the outpack schema for details (

Extract metadata from orderly2 packets


Extract metadata from a group of packets. This is an experimental high-level function for interacting with the metadata in a way that we hope will be useful. We'll expand this a bit as time goes on, based on feedback we get so let us know what you think. See Details for how to use this.


orderly_metadata_extract(..., extract = NULL, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



Arguments passed through to orderly_search. In the special case where the first argument is a character vector of ids and there are no named dot arguments, then we interpret this argument as a vector of ids directly.


A character vector of columns to extract, possibly named. See Details for the format.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


Extracting data from outpack metadata is challenging to do in a way that works in data structures familiar to R users, because it is naturally tree structured, and because not all metadata may be present in all packets (e.g., a packet that does not depend on another will not have a dependency section, and one that was run in a context without git will not have git metadata). If you just want the raw tree-structured data, you can always use orderly_metadata to load the full metadata for any packet (even one that is not currently available on your computer, just known about it) and the structure of the data will remain fairly constant across orderly2 versions.

However, sometimes we want to extract data in order to ask specific questions like:

  • what parameter combinations are available across a range of packets?

  • when were a particular set of packets used?

  • what files did these packets produce?

Later we'd like to ask even more complex questions like:

  • at what version did the file graph.png change?

  • what inputs changed between these versions?

...but being able to answer these questions requires a similar approach to interrogating metadata across a range of packets.

The orderly_metadata_extract function aims to simplify the process of pulling out bits of metadata and arranging it into a data.frame (of sorts) for you. It has a little mini-language in the extract argument for doing some simple rewriting of results, but you can always do this yourself.

In order to use function you need to know what metadata are available; we will expand the vignette with more worked examples here to make this easier to understand. The function works on top-level keys, of which there are:

  • id: the packet id (this is always returned)

  • name: the packet name

  • parameters: a key-value pair of values, with string keys and atomic values. There is no guarantee about presence of keys between packets, or their types.

  • time: a key-value pair of times, with string keys and time values (see DateTimeClasses; these are stored as seconds since 1970 in the actual metadata). At present start and end are always present.

  • files: files present in each packet. This is a data.frame (per packet), each with columns path (relative), size (in bytes) and hash.

  • depends: dependencies used each packet. This is a data.frame (per packet), each with columns packet (id), query (string, used to find packet) and files (another data.frame with columns there and here corresponding to filenames upstream and in this packet, respectively)

  • git: either metadata about the state of git or null. If given then sha and branch are strings, while url is an array of strings/character vector (can have zero, one or more elements).

  • session: some information about the session that the packet was run in (this is unstandardised, and even the orderly version may change)

  • custom: additional metadata added by its respective engine. For packets run by orderly2, there will be a orderly field here, which is itself a list:

    • artefacts: A data.frame with artefact information, containing columns description (a string) and paths (a list column of paths).

    • shared: A data.frame of the copied shared resources with their original name (there) and name as copied into the packet (here).

    • role: A data.frame of identified roles of files, with columns path and role.

    • description: A list of information from orderly_description with human-readable descriptions and tags.

    • session: A list of information about the session as run, with a list platform containing information about the platform (R version as version, operating system as os and system name as system) and packages containing columns package , version and attached.

The nesting here makes providing a universally useful data format difficult; if considering files we have a data.frame with a files column, which is a list of data.frames; similar nestedness applies to depends and the orderly custom data. However, you should be able to fairly easily process the data into the format you need it in.

The simplest extraction uses names of top-level keys:

extract = c("name", "parameters", "files")

This creates a data.frame with columns corresponding to these keys, one row per packet. Because name is always a string, it will be a character vector, but because parameters and files are more complex, these will be list columns.

You must not provide id; it is always returned and always first as a character vector column.

You can rename the columns by providing a name to entries within extract, for example:

extract = c("name", pars = "parameters", "files")

is the same as above, except that that the parameters column has been renamed pars.

More interestingly, we can index into a structure like parameters; suppose we want the value of the parameter x, we could write:

extract = c(x = "parameters.x")

which is allowed because for each packet the parameters element is a list.

However, we do not know what type x is (and it might vary between packets). We can add that information ourselves though and write:

extract = c(x = "parameters.x is number")

to create an numeric column. If any packet has a value of x that is non-integer, your call to orderly_metadata_extract will fail with an error, and if a packet lacks a value of x, a missing value of the appropriate type will be added.

Note that this does not do any coercion to number, it will error if a non-NULL non-numeric value is found. Valid types for use with ⁠is <type>⁠ are boolean, number and string (note that these differ slightly from R's names because we want to emphasise that these are scalar quantities; also note that there is no integer here as this may produce unexpected errors with integer-like numeric values). You can also use list but this is the default. Things in the schema that are known to be scalar atomics (such as name) will be automatically simplified.

You can index into the array-valued elements (files and depends) in the same way as for the object-valued elements:

extract = c(file_path = "files.path", file_hash = "files.hash")

would get you a list column of file names per packet and another of hashes, but this is probably less useful than the data.frame you'd get from extracting just files because you no longer have the hash information aligned.

You can index fairly deeply; it should be possible to get the orderly "display name" with:

extract = c(display = "custom.orderly.description.display is string")

If the path you need to extract has a dot in it (most likely a package name for a plugin, such as custom.orderly.db) you need to escape the dot with a backslash (so, ⁠custom.orderly\.db⁠). You will probably need two slashes or use a raw string (in recent versions of R).


A data.frame, the columns of which vary based on the names of extract; see Details for more information.

Custom 'orderly' metadata

Within custom.orderly, additional fields can be extracted. The format of this is subject to change, both in the stored metadata and schema (in the short term) and in the way we deserialise it. It is probably best not to rely on this right now, and we will expand this section when you can.

Read outpack metadata json file


Low-level function for reading metadata and deserialising it. This function can be used to directly read a metadata json file without reference to a root which contains it. It may be useful in the context of reading a metadata file written out as part of a failed run.


orderly_metadata_read(path, plugins = TRUE)



Path to the json file


Try and deserialise data from all loaded plugins (see Details).


Custom metadata saved by plugins may not be deserialised as expected when called with this function, as it is designed to operate separately from a valid orderly root (i.e., it will load data from any file regardless of where it came from). If plugins is TRUE (the default) then we will deserialise all data that matches any loaded plugin. This means that the behaviour of this function depends on if you have loaded the plugin packages. You can force this by running orderly2::orderly_config() within any orderly directory, which will load any declared plugins.


A list of outpack metadata; see the schema for details. In contrast to reading the json file directly with jsonlite::fromJSON, this function will take care to convert scalar and length-one vectors into the expected types.

Create a new report


Create a new empty report.


orderly_new(name, template = NULL, force = FALSE, root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The name of the report


The template to use. The only acceptable values for now are NULL (uses the built-in default) and FALSE which suppresses any default content. We may support customisable templates in future - let us know if this would be useful.


Create an orderly file - ⁠<name>.R⁠ within an existing directory ⁠src/<name>⁠; this may be useful if you have already created the directory and some files first but want help creating the orderly file.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does require that the directory is configured for orderly, and not just outpack (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory


Nothing, called for its side effects only

Declare orderly parameters


Declare orderly parameters. You should only have one call to this within your file, though this is not enforced! Typically you'd put it very close to the top, though the order does not really matter. Parameters are scalar atomic values (e.g. a string, number or boolean) and defaults must be present literally (i.e., they may not come from a variable itself). Provide NULL if you do not have a default, in which case this parameter will be required.





Any number of parameters



Behaviour in interactive sessions

When running interactively (i.e., via source() or running an orderly file session by copy/paste or in Rstudio), the orderly_parameters() function has different behaviour.

First, we look in the current environment (most likely the global environment) for values of your parameters - that is, variables bound to the names of your parameters. For any parameters that are not found we will look at the default values and use these if possible, but if not possible then we will either error or prompt based on the global option orderly_interactive_parameters_missing_error. If this is TRUE, then we will ask you to enter a value for the parameters (strings will need to be entered with quotes).

Parse the orderly entrypoint script


For expert use only.



orderly_parse_expr(exprs, filename)



Path to ⁠orderly_*⁠ script


Parsed AST from ⁠orderly_*⁠ script


Name of ⁠orderly_*⁠ file to include in metadata


Parses details of any calls to the orderly_ in-script functions into intermediate representation for downstream use. Also validates that any calls to ⁠orderly_*⁠ in-script functions are well-formed.


Parsed orderly entrypoint script

Add metadata from plugin


Add plugin-specific metadata to a running packet. This will take some describing. You accumulate any number of bits of metadata into arbitrary fields, and then later on serialise these to json.


orderly_plugin_add_metadata(name, field, data)



The name of the plugin; must be the same as used in orderly_plugin_register and orderly_plugin_context


The name of a field to add the data to. This is required even if your plugin only produces one sort of data, in which case you can remove it later on within your serialisation function.


Arbitrary data to be added to the currently running packet


Nothing, called only for its side effects

Fetch plugin context


Fetch the running context, for use within a plugin. The intention here is that within free functions that your plugin makes available, you will call this function to get information about the state of a packet. You will then typically call orderly_plugin_add_metadata() afterwards.


orderly_plugin_context(name, envir)



Name of the plugin


The environment of the calling function. You can typically pass parent.frame() (or rlang::caller_env()) here if the function calling orderly_plugin_context() is the function that would be called by a user. This argument only has an effect in interactive use (where envir is almost certainly the global environment).


When a plugin function is called, orderly2 will be running in one of two modes; (1) from within orderly_run(), in which case we're part way through creating a packet in a brand new directory, and possibly using a special environment for evaluation, or (2) interactively, with a user developing their report. The plugin needs to be able to support both modes, and this function will return information about the state to help you cope with either case.


A list with elements:

  • is_active: a logical, indicating if we're running under orderly_run(); you may need to change behaviour depending on this value.

  • path: the path of the running packet. This is almost always the working directory, unless the packet contains calls to setwd() or similar. You may create files here.

  • config: the configuration for this plugin, after processing with the plugin's read function (see orderly_plugin_register)

  • envir: the environment that the packet is running in. Often this will be the global environment, but do not assume this! You may read and write from this environment.

  • src: the path to the packet source directory. This is different to the current directory when the packet is running, but the same when the user is interactively working with a report. You may read from this directory but must not write to it

  • parameters: the parameters as passed through to the run the report.

See Also

orderly_plugin_register, orderly_plugin_add_metadata

Register an orderly plugin


Create an orderly plugin. A plugin is typically defined by a package and is used to extend orderly by enabling new functionality, declared in orderly_config.yml and your orderly file, and affecting the running of reports primarily by creating new objects in the report environment. This system is discussed in more detail in vignette("plugins"), but will be expanded (likely in breaking ways) soon.


  serialise = NULL,
  deserialise = NULL,
  cleanup = NULL,
  schema = NULL



The name of the plugin, typically the package name


A function to read, check and process the configuration section in orderly_config.yml. This function will be passed the deserialised data from the plugin's section of orderly_config.yml, and the full path to that file. As the order of loading of plugins is not defined, each plugin must standalone and should not try and interact with other plugins at load. It should return a processed copy of the configuration data, to be passed in as the second argument to read.


A function to serialise any metadata added by the plugin's functions to the outpack metadata. It will be passed a list of all entries pushed in via orderly_plugin_add_metadata(); this is a named list with names corresponding to the field argument to orderly_plugin_add_metadata and each list element being an unnamed list with values corresponding to data. If NULL, then no serialisation is done, and no metadata from your plugin will be added.


A function to deserialise any metadata serialised by the serialise function. This is intended to help deal with issues disambiguating unserialising objects from json (scalars vs arrays of lenth 1, data.frames vs lists-of-lists etc), and will make your plugin nicer to work with orderly_metadata_extract(). This function will be given a single argument data which is the data from jsonlite::fromJSON(..., simplifyVector = FALSE) and you should apply any required simplifications yourself, returning a modified copy of the argument.


Optionally, a function to clean up any state that your plugin uses. You can call orderly_plugin_context from within this function and access anything you need from that. If not given, then no cleanup is done.


Optionally a path, within the package, to a schema for the metadata created by this plugin; you should omit the .json extension. So if your file contains in its sources the file inst/plugin/myschema.json you would pass plugin/myschema. See vignette("plugins") for details.


Nothing, this function is called for its side effect of registering a plugin.

Prune orphan packet metadata


Prune orphan packets from your metadata store. This function can be used to remove references to packets that are no longer reachable; this could have happened because you deleted a packet manually from the archive and ran orderly_validate_archive or because you removed a location.


orderly_prune_orphans(root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


If an orphan packet is not used anywhere, then we can easily drop it - it's as if it never existed. If it is referenced by metadata that you know about from elsewhere but not locally, then that is a problem for the upstream location (and one that should not happen). If you have referenced it in a packet that you have run locally, the the metadata is not deleted.

We expose this function mostly for users who want to expunge permanently any reference to previously run packets. We hope that there should never need to really be a reason to run it.


Invisibly, a character vector of orphaned packet ids

Construct outpack query


Construct an outpack query, typically then passed through to orderly_search


orderly_query(expr, name = NULL, scope = NULL, subquery = NULL)



The query expression. A NULL expression matches everything.


Optionally, the name of the packet to scope the query on. This will be intersected with scope arg and is a shorthand way of running scope = list(name = "name")


Optionally, a scope query to limit the packets searched by pars


Optionally, named list of subqueries which can be referenced by name from the expr.


An orderly_query object, which should not be modified, but which can be passed to orderly_search()

Explain a query


Explain how a query has or has not matched. This is experimental and the output will change. At the moment, it can tell you why a query matches, or if fails to match based on one of a number of &&-ed together clauses.


  parameters = NULL,
  envir = parent.frame(),
  options = NULL,
  root = NULL



Arguments passed through to orderly_query, perhaps just a query expression


Optionally, a named list of parameters to substitute into the query (using the ⁠this:⁠ prefix)


Optionally, an environment to substitute into the query (using the ⁠environment:⁠ prefix). The default here is to use the calling environment, but you can explicitly pass this in if you want to control where this lookup happens.


Optionally, a orderly_search_options object for controlling how the search is performed, and which packets should be considered in scope. If not provided, default options are used (i.e., orderly2::orderly_search_options())


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


An object of class orderly_query_explain, which can be inspected (contents subject to change) and which has a print method which will show a user-friendly summary of the query result.

Declare orderly resources


Declare that a file, or group of files, are an orderly resource. By explicitly declaring files as resources orderly will mark the files as immutable inputs and validate that your analysis does not modify them when run with orderly_run()





Any number of names of files


Invisibly, a character vector of resources included by the call. Don't rely on the order of these files if they are expanded from directories, as this is likely platform dependent.

Run a report


Run a report. This will create a new directory in ⁠drafts/<reportname>⁠, copy your declared resources there, run your script and check that all expected artefacts were created.


  parameters = NULL,
  envir = NULL,
  echo = TRUE,
  search_options = NULL,
  root = NULL,
  locate = TRUE



Name of the report to run. Any leading ⁠./⁠ ⁠src/⁠ or trailing / path parts will be removed (e.g., if added by autocomplete).


Parameters passed to the report. A named list of parameters declared in the orderly.yml. Each parameter must be a scalar character, numeric, integer or logical.


The environment that will be used to evaluate the report script; by default we use the global environment, which may not always be what is wanted.


Optional logical to control printing output from source() to the console.


Optional control over locations, when used with orderly_dependency; converted into a orderly_search_options object, see Details.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does require that the directory is configured for orderly, and not just outpack (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the configuration should be searched for. If TRUE and config is not given, then orderly looks in the working directory and up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory


The id of the created report (a string)

Locations used in dependency resolution

If your packet depends on other packets, you will want to control the locations that are used to find appropriate packets. The control for this is passed through this function and not as an argument to orderly_dependency because this is a property of the way that a packet is created and not of a packet itself; importantly different users may have different names for their locations so it makes little sense to encode the location name into the source code. Alternatively, you want to use different locations in different contexts (initial development where you want to include local copies packets as possible dependencies vs resolving dependencies only as they would be resolved on one of your locations!

Similarly, you might want to include packets that are known by other locations but are not currently downloaded onto this machine - pulling these packets in could take anything from seconds to hours depending on their size and the speed of your network connection (but not pulling in the packets could mean that your packet fails to run).

To allow for control over this you can pass in an argument search_options, which is a orderly_search_options object, and allows control over the names of the locations to use, whether metadata should be refreshed before we pull anything and if packets that are not currently downloaded should be considered candidates.

This has no effect when running interactively, in which case you can specify the search options (root specific) with orderly_interactive_set_search_options

Which packets might be selected from locations?

The search_options argument controls where outpack searches for packets with the given query and if anything might be moved over the network (or from one outpack archive to another). By default everything is resolved locally only; that is we can only depend on packets that are unpacked within our current archive. If you pass a search_options argument that contains allow_remote = TRUE (see orderly_search_options then packets that are known anywhere are candidates for using as dependencies and if needed we will pull the resolved files from a remote location. Note that even if the packet is not locally present this might not be needed - if you have the same content anywhere else in an unpacked packet we will reuse the same content without re-fetching.

If pull_metadata = TRUE, then we will refresh location metadata before pulling, and the location argument controls which locations are pulled from.

Equivalence to the old use_draft option

The above location handling generalises orderly (v1)'s old use_draft option, in terms of the location argument to orderly2::orderly_search_options':

  • use_draft = TRUE is location = "local"

  • use_draft = FALSE is location = c(...) where you should provide all locations except local (setdiff(orderly2::orderly_location_list(), "local"))

  • use_draft = "newer" is location = NULL

(this last option was the one most people preferred so is the new default behaviour). In addition, you could resolve dependencies as they currently exist on production right now with the options:

location = "production", pull_metadata = TRUE, require_unpacked = FALSE

which updates your current metadata from production, then runs queries against only packets known on that remote, then depends on them even if you don't (yet) have them locally. This functionality was never available in orderly version 1, though we had intended to support it.

Running with a source tree separate from outpack root

Sometimes it is useful to run things from a different place on disk to your outpack root. We know of two cases where this has come up:

  • when running reports within a runner on a server, we make a clean clone of the source tree at a particular git reference into a new temporary directory and then run the report there, but have it insert into an orderly repo at a fixed and non-temporary location.

  • we have a user for whom it is more convenient torun their report on a hard drive but store the archive and metadata on a (larger) shared drive.

In the first instance, we have a source path at ⁠<src>⁠ which contains the file orderly_config.yml and the directory ⁠src/⁠ with our source reports, and a separate path ⁠<root>⁠ which contains the directory ⁠.outpack/⁠ with all the metadata - it may also have an unpacked archive, and a ⁠.git/⁠ directory depending on the configuration. (Later this will make more sense once we support a "bare" outpack layout.)

Manually setting report source directory

To manually set the report source directory, you will need to set the path of the directory as the ORDERLY_REPORT_SRC environment variable.


# Create a simple example:
path <- orderly2::orderly_example("default")

# Run the 'data' task:
orderly2::orderly_run("data", root = path)

# After running, a finished packet appears in the archive:

# and we can query the metadata:
orderly2::orderly_metadata_extract(name = "data", root = path)

Information about currently running report


Fetch information about the actively running report. This allows you to reflect information about your report back as part of the report, for example embedding the current report id, or information about computed dependencies. This information is in a slightly different format to orderly version 1.x and does not (currently) include information about dependencies when run outside of orderly_run, but this was never reliable previously.




A list with elements

  • name: The name of the current report

  • id: The id of the current report, NA if running interactively

  • root: The orderly root path

  • depends: A data frame with information about the dependencies (not available interactively)

    • index: an integer sequence along calls to orderly_dependency

    • name: the name of the dependency

    • query: the query used to find the dependency

    • id: the computed id of the included packet

    • filename: the file used from the packet

    • as: the filename used locally

Packet search options


Options for controlling how packet searches are carried out, for example via orderly_search and orderly_run. The details here are never included in the metadata alongside the query (that is, they're not part of the query even though they affect it).


  location = NULL,
  allow_remote = FALSE,
  pull_metadata = FALSE



Optional vector of locations to pull from. We might in future expand this to allow wildcards or exceptions.


Logical, indicating if we should allow packets to be found that are not currently unpacked (i.e., are known only to a location that we have metadata from). If this is TRUE, then in conjunction with orderly_dependency you might pull a large quantity of data.


Logical, indicating if we should pull metadata immediately before the search. If location is given, then we will pass this through to orderly_location_pull_metadata to filter locations to update. If pulling many packets in sequence, you will want to update this option to FALSE after the first pull.


An object of class orderly_search_options which should not be modified after creation (but see note about pull_metadata)

Copy shared resources into a packet directory


Copy shared resources into a packet directory. You can use this to share common resources (data or code) between multiple packets. Additional metadata will be added to keep track of where the files came from. Using this function requires the shared resources directory ⁠shared/⁠ exists at the orderly root; an error will be raised if this is not configured when we attempt to fetch files.





The shared resources to copy. If arguments are named, the name will be the destination file while the value is the filename within the shared resource directory.

You can use a limited form of string interpolation in the names of this argument; using ⁠${variable}⁠ will pick up values from envir and substitute them into your string. This is similar to the interpolation you might be familiar with from glue::glue or similar, but much simpler with no concatenation or other fancy features supported.


Invisibly, a data.frame with columns here (the fileames as as copied into the running packet) and there (the filenames within ⁠shared/⁠). As for orderly_resource, do not rely on the ordering where directory expansion was performed.

Enable orderly strict mode


Put orderly2 into "strict mode", which is closer to the defaults in orderly 1.0.0; in this mode only explicitly included files (via orderly_resource and orderly_shared_resource) are copied when running a packet, and we warn about any unexpected files at the end of the run. Using strict mode allows orderly2 to be more aggressive in how it deletes files within the source directory, more accurate in what it reports to you, and faster to start packets after developing them interactively.




In future, we may extend strict mode to allow requiring that no computation occurs within orderly functions (i.e., that the requirements to run a packet are fully known before actually running it). Most likely this will not be the default behaviour and orderly_strict_mode will gain an argument.

We will allow server processes to either override this value (enabling it even when it is not explicitly given) and/or require it.



Validate unpacked packets.


Validate unpacked packets. Over time, expect this function to become more fully featured, validating more.


orderly_validate_archive(..., action = "inform", root = NULL, locate = TRUE)



Either arguments that a search can be constructed from (useful options here include name = "something"), a character vector of ids, or leave empty to validate everything.


The action to take on finding an invalid packet. See Details.


The path to the root directory, or NULL (the default) to search for one from the current working directory if locate is TRUE. This function does not require that the directory is configured for orderly, and can be any outpack root (see orderly_init for details).


Logical, indicating if the root should be searched for. If TRUE, then we looks in the directory given for root (or the working directory if NULL) and then up through its parents until it finds an .outpack directory or orderly_config.yml


The actions that we can take on finding an invalid packet are:

  • inform (the default): just print information about the problem

  • orphan: mark the packet as orphaned within the metadata, but do not touch the files in your archive (by default the directory ⁠archive/⁠) - this is a safe option and will leave you in a consistent state without deleting anything.

  • delete: in addition to marking the packet as an orphan, also delete the files from your archive.

Later, we will add a "repair" option to try and fix broken packets.

The validation interacts with the option core.require_complete_tree; if this option is TRUE, then a packet is only valid if all its (recursive) dependencies are also valid, so the action will apply to packets that have also had their upstream dependencies invalidated. This validation will happen even if the query implied by ... does not include these packets if a complete tree is required.

The validation will also interact with core.use_file_store once repair is supported, as this becomes trivial.


Invisibly, a character vector of repaired (or invalid) packets.