Package 'odin2'

Title: Next generation odin
Description: Temporary package for rewriting odin.
Authors: Rich FitzJohn [aut, cre], Wes Hinsley [aut], Thibaut Jombart [ctb], Ed Knock [ctb], Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine [cph]
Maintainer: Rich FitzJohn <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.3.19
Built: 2025-02-20 06:02:31 UTC

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Compile an odin model


Compile an odin model, yielding a dust_system_generator object.


  input_type = NULL,
  quiet = NULL,
  workdir = NULL,
  debug = NULL,
  skip_cache = FALSE,
  compatibility = NULL



Odin code as the path to a file (a string), a character vector of code, or as an expression (typically within braces {}).


An optional string describing the type of input for expr - must be one of file, text or expression. If given, this skips the type detection logic and odin will throw an error if the wrong type of input is given. Using this may be beneficial in programmatic environments.


Logical, indicating if compilation messages from pkgbuild should be displayed. Error messages will be displayed on compilation failure regardless of the value used. If NULL is given, then we take the value from DUST_QUIET if set, or FALSE otherwise.


Optional working directory to use. If NULL, the behaviour depends on the existence of the environment variable DUST_WORKDIR_ROOT. If it is unset we use a session-specific temporary directory (generated by tempfile()). If DUST_WORKDIR_ROOT is set, then we use a stable generated filename within this directory, which allows different sessions to effectively share a cache. If you pass a directory name here as a string, then we will use that directory to write all code, which allows you to inspect the generated code. See vignette("details") for more information.


Passed to pkgbuild::compile_dll, this will build a debug library. If NULL is given, then we take the value from DUST_DEBUG if set, or FALSE otherwise.


Logical, indicating if the cache of previously compiled systems should be skipped. If TRUE then your system will not be looked for in the cache, nor will it be added to the cache after compilation.


Compatibility mode to use. Valid options are "warning", which updates code that can be fixed, with warnings, and "error", which will error. The option "silent" will silently rewrite code, but this is not recommended for general use as eventually the compatibility mode will be removed (this option is primarily intended for comparing output of odin1 and odin2 models against old code). The default, NULL, currently corresponds to warning.


A dust_system_generator object, suitable for using with dust functions (starting from dust2::dust_system_create)


# A random walk:
gen <- odin({
  initial(x) <- 0
  update(x) <- Normal(x, 1)

sys <- dust2::dust_system_create(gen, list(), n_particles = 10)
y <- dust2::dust_system_simulate(sys, 0:100)
matplot(t(y[1, , ]), type = "l", lty = 1, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Value")

Explain an odin error


Explain error codes produced by odin. When odin fails to parse your code (e.g., via odin() or odin_validate()) it will return an error with a code. You can use odin_error_explain to get more information on that code. By default we will print an explanation to the screen, but you can control this behaviour via the how argument. All error codes can be found in vignette("errors").


odin_error_explain(code, how = "pretty")



The error code, as a string, in the form Exxxx (a capital "E" followed by four numbers)


How to explain the error. Options are pretty (render pretty text in the console), plain (display plain text in the console) and link (browse to the online help).


Nothing, this is called for its side effect only



Migrate odin code


Migrate odin code. This function takes a path to existing odin code and writes out migrated code to a new file. It is possible that no code will be migrated, in which case the written contents will be identical to those read.


odin_migrate(path, dest)



Path of the odin code to read


Path of the destination code. It can be the same as dest, in which case the file will be overwritten.


Nothing; called for side effects only


# A file 'path' contains odin code using old features:

# Migrate this file in place (by overwriting)
odin_migrate(path, path)


Update odin code in package


Update generated code in a package that uses odin and dust to provide a model. This will generate new dust code in inst/dust and from that generate a full model in src, and an R interface in R/dust.R, along with the cpp11 attributes that are needed to use the model.


odin_package(path, quiet = FALSE, compatibility = NULL)



Path to the package root (the directory that contains DESCRIPTION), or any path within that package.


Logical, indicating if compilation messages from pkgbuild should be displayed. Error messages will be displayed on compilation failure regardless of the value used. If NULL is given, then we take the value from DUST_QUIET if set, or FALSE otherwise.


Compatibility mode to use. Valid options are "warning", which updates code that can be fixed, with warnings, and "error", which will error. The option "silent" will silently rewrite code, but this is not recommended for general use as eventually the compatibility mode will be removed (this option is primarily intended for comparing output of odin1 and odin2 models against old code). The default, NULL, currently corresponds to warning.


This function is powered by dust2::dust_package, and the same pre-requisites apply here:

For your DESCRIPTION file:

  • dust2 must be in Imports

  • cpp11, dust2 and monty must be in LinkingTo

For your NAMESPACE file:

  • you must have a suitable useDynLib() call with .registration = TRUE

If you do not satisfy these requirements, dust2::dust_package will fail with a message indicating actions you should take. Once set up, generally things will keep working.

If you want your packages to build on GitHub actions, or be installable via remotes::install_github you should add to your DESCRIPTION:

Remotes: mrc-ide/dust2, mrc-ide/monty

Note that you do not need to include odin2 itself as a dependency.


Invisibly, the path to the package. However, this function is typically called for its side effect of updating files in inst/dust and src within this package after you have changed the odin code in inst/odin.

See Also

vignette("packaging") for more details, and dust2::dust_package(), which does most of the work here.


# An example package structure

# Generate odin code:

# Resulting files:

Show generated odin code


Show generated code from compiling an odin model.


odin_show(expr, input_type = NULL, compatibility = NULL, what = NULL)



Odin code as the path to a file (a string), a character vector of code, or as an expression (typically within braces {}).


An optional string describing the type of input for expr - must be one of file, text or expression. If given, this skips the type detection logic and odin will throw an error if the wrong type of input is given. Using this may be beneficial in programmatic environments.


Compatibility mode to use. Valid options are "warning", which updates code that can be fixed, with warnings, and "error", which will error. The option "silent" will silently rewrite code, but this is not recommended for general use as eventually the compatibility mode will be removed (this option is primarily intended for comparing output of odin1 and odin2 models against old code). The default, NULL, currently corresponds to warning.


Optional string, being a single method to show. Popular options are update, rhs and compare_data.


A character vector, with class odin_code that has a pretty-print method defined. Returns NULL if what was given but the model lacks this part.


# Show generated code for the whole system
  initial(x) <- 1
  update(x) <- a
  a <- Normal(x, 1)

# Just the update method
  initial(x) <- 1
  update(x) <- a
  a <- Normal(x, 1)
}, what = "update")

Validate odin code


Validate odin code. This is primarily intended for use within other applications.


odin_validate(expr, input_type = NULL, compatibility = NULL)



Odin code as the path to a file (a string), a character vector of code, or as an expression (typically within braces {}).


An optional string describing the type of input for expr - must be one of file, text or expression. If given, this skips the type detection logic and odin will throw an error if the wrong type of input is given. Using this may be beneficial in programmatic environments.


Compatibility mode to use. Valid options are "warning", which updates code that can be fixed, with warnings, and "error", which will error. The option "silent" will silently rewrite code, but this is not recommended for general use as eventually the compatibility mode will be removed (this option is primarily intended for comparing output of odin1 and odin2 models against old code). The default, NULL, currently corresponds to warning.


A list with elements:

  • success: boolean, TRUE if validation was successful

  • result: Metadata about the model; see Details above for the format.

  • error: Either NULL (if success is TRUE) or an error; see Details above for interpreting this value.

  • compatibility: A data.frame of compatibility issues. This is formatted similarly to src within error (see above), but also includes type (a code for the compatibility issue), description (a human-readable description of the issue), original (the original expression) and value (the final expression).

The intention is that we won't throw generally from this function.


On successful validation, we return a list with metadata about the model. Currently this contains:

  • time: The time mode of the model (a string of either "discrete" or "continuous")

  • parameters: A data.frame describing parameters. Currently the only column is name.

  • variables: A data.frame describing the model variables. Currently the only column is name.

  • data: A data.frame describing data used by the model (if it supports this). Currently the only column is name.


Most errors will have class odin_parse_error. These will print context information if rethrown. They have fields:

  • message: The headline error message

  • code: The odin error code, as listed in vignette("errors"), and used by odin_error_explain

  • src: Source information about the error. This is a data.frame with columns index (the expression number), expr (a list column with the expression), start (the starting line; possibly NA), end (the finishing line; possibly NA), str (the string containing the literal value of the expression; possibly NA) and migrated (a logical, indicating if the source has been automatically migrated from odin1 code). If any of start, end or str is NA, all will be, for all rows.

You can get the full rendered message using conditionMessage() on the error object.


# A successful validation:
  initial(x) <- 1
  deriv(x) <- a
  a <- parameter()

# A failure:
  initial(x) <- 1
  deriv(x) <- a

# Migration warnings
  deriv(x) <- a
  a <- user()