Odin parse errorsUpdated 2 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from errors.Rmd in odin2 0.1.5.
DetailsUpdated 2 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from details.Rmd in dust2 0.1.11.
DebuggingUpdated 3 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from debugging.Rmd in odin2 0.1.5.
Migrating from odin 1.x.xUpdated 3 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from migrating.Rmd in odin2 0.1.5.
odin functionsUpdated 4 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from functions.Rmd in odin2 0.1.5.
Introduction to montyUpdated 4 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from monty.Rmd in monty 0.2.9.
SamplersUpdated 4 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from samplers.Rmd in monty 0.2.9.
DetailsUpdated 13 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from details.Rmd in odin2 0.1.5.
Fitting odin2 models to dataUpdated 19 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from fitting.Rmd in odin2 0.1.5.
Antimalarial ResistanceUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from Antimalarial_Resistance.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
DemographyUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from Demography.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Mass Drug Administriation and ChemopreventionUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from MDA.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Matching EIR to PfPR~2-10~Updated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from EIRprevmatch.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
MetapopulationUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from Metapopulation.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Model IntroductionUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from Model.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Modifying the carrying capacityUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from Carrying-capacity.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Mosquito speciesUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from SetSpecies.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Parameter VariationUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from Parameter_variation.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Stochastic VariationUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from Variation.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
TreatmentUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from Treatment.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
VaccinesUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from Vaccines.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Vector Control: Bed netsUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from VectorControl_Bednets.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Vector Control: Indoor Residual SprayingUpdated 24 days ago

Giovanni Charles

Rendered from VectorControl_IRS.Rmd in malariasimulation 2.0.0.
Collaborative analysisUpdated 26 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from collaboration.Rmd in orderly2 1.99.41.
Introduction to orderly2Updated 26 days ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from introduction.Rmd in orderly2 1.99.41.
Dealing with missed generations of infections with EpiEstimUpdated 1 months ago

Andrea Brizzi

Rendered from EpiEstim_backimputation.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
EpiEstim: a demonstrationUpdated 1 months ago

Anne Cori

Rendered from short_demo.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
EpiEstim VignetteUpdated 1 months ago

Rebecca Nash

Rendered from full_EpiEstim_vignette.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
MV-EpiEstimUpdated 1 months ago

Anne Cori

Rendered from MV_EpiEstim_vignette.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
DSL parse errorsUpdated 2 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from dsl-errors.Rmd in monty 0.2.9.
Getting started with odin2Updated 2 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from odin2.Rmd in odin2 0.1.5.
Periodic variables detailsUpdated 2 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from periodic.Rmd in dust2 0.1.11.
Probabilistic DSLUpdated 2 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from dsl.Rmd in monty 0.2.9.
Working with samplesUpdated 2 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from samples.Rmd in monty 0.2.9.
Outpack metadataUpdated 2 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from metadata.Rmd in orderly2 1.99.41.
rrqUpdated 2 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from rrq.Rmd in rrq 0.7.19.
Fault toleranceUpdated 3 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from fault-tolerance.Rmd in rrq 0.7.19.
Basic ExampleUpdated 3 months ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from example.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
Double wellUpdated 3 months ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from checks_double_well.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
Getting Model FitsUpdated 3 months ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from getting_model_fits.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
Installing drjacobyUpdated 3 months ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from installation.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
Parallel TemperingUpdated 3 months ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from metropolis_coupling.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
Running in ParallelUpdated 3 months ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from parallel.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
Using INLA on WindowsUpdated 4 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from INLA.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
AdministrationUpdated 4 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from administration.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
DetailsUpdated 4 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from details.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
Using stanUpdated 4 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from stan.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
popimUpdated 4 months ago

Tini Garske

Rendered from popim.Rmd in popim 0.0.1.
popim technical documentationUpdated 4 months ago

Tini Garske

Rendered from technical_doc.Rmd in popim 0.0.1.
WindowsUpdated 4 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from windows.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
C++ APIUpdated 5 months ago

Ralf Stubner

Rendered from cpp-api.Rmd in dqrng
Parallel RNG usageUpdated 5 months ago

Ralf Stubner

Rendered from parallel.Rmd in dqrng
TroubleshootingUpdated 5 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from troubleshooting.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
messagesUpdated 5 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from messages.Rmd in rrq 0.7.19.
hipercowUpdated 6 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from hipercow.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
Parallel TasksUpdated 6 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from parallel.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
Fast Pseudo Random Number Generators for RUpdated 6 months ago

Ralf Stubner

Rendered from dqrng.Rmd in dqrng
Naomi Model Workflow ExampleUpdated 7 months ago

Jeff Eaton

Rendered from model-workflow.Rmd in naomi 2.9.28.
Creating pluginsUpdated 7 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from plugins.Rmd in orderly2 1.99.41.
Dependencies between packetsUpdated 7 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from dependencies.Rmd in orderly2 1.99.41.
Migrating from orderly (1.x)Updated 7 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from migrating.Rmd in orderly2 1.99.41.
Migration from didehpcUpdated 8 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from migration.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
Packages and provisioningUpdated 8 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from packages.Rmd in hipercow 1.0.34.
Orderly query DSLUpdated 11 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from query.Rmd in orderly2 1.99.41.
TroubleshootingUpdated 11 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from troubleshooting.Rmd in orderly2 1.99.41.
Using vaultr in packagesUpdated 11 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from packages.Rmd in vaultr 1.2.0.
vaultrUpdated 11 months ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from vaultr.Rmd in vaultr 1.2.0.
Porting from odinUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from porting.Rmd in odin.dust 0.3.13.
Fitting a continuous-time modelUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from continuous.Rmd in mcstate 0.9.22.
Fast sampling methodsUpdated 1 years ago

Ralf Stubner

Rendered from sample.Rmd in dqrng
Guide to odin docsUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from guide.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
orderly2Updated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from orderly2.Rmd in orderly2 1.99.41.
IntroductionUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from orderly_db.Rmd in orderly.db 0.1.3.
EpiEstim for aggregated incidence dataUpdated 1 years ago

Rebecca Nash

Rendered from EpiEstim_aggregated_data.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
Comparing models and dataUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from data.Rmd in dust 0.15.3.
odinUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from odin.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
ddeUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from dde.Rmd in dde 1.0.7.
Introduction to dustUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from dust.Rmd in dust 0.15.3.
Using RNGs from packagesUpdated 1 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from rng_package.Rmd in dust 0.15.3.
Alternative software for estimating the reproduction numberUpdated 1 years ago

Anne Cori

Rendered from alternative_software.Rmd in EpiEstim 2.4.
Principles and design of dustUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from design.Rmd in dust 0.15.3.
debuggingUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from debugging.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
Restarting pMCMCUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from restart.Rmd in mcstate 0.9.22.
SIR models with odin, dust and mcstateUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from sir_models.Rmd in mcstate 0.9.22.
Validation of SMC using a Kalman filterUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from kalman.Rmd in mcstate 0.9.22.
SIR modelsUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from sir_models.Rmd in odin.dust 0.3.13.
Distributed parallel random numbersUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from rng_distributed.Rmd in dust 0.15.3.
Running models on GPUs with CUDAUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from gpu.Rmd in dust 0.15.3.
Random number generationUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from rng.Rmd in dust 0.15.3.
odin discrete modelsUpdated 2 years ago

Thibaut Jombart, Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from discrete.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
odin functionsUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from functions.Rmd in odin 1.5.11.
Introduction to jsonvalidateUpdated 2 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from jsonvalidate.Rmd in jsonvalidate 1.4.2.
Using vimpact for estimating vaccine impact - internalUpdated 3 years ago

Rob Ashton

Rendered from internal-impact.Rmd in vimpact 0.1.3.
Mocking with mockrUpdated 3 years ago

Kirill Müller

Rendered from mockr.Rmd in mockr
Using Likelihood BlocksUpdated 3 years ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from blocks.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
Deterministic modelsUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from deterministic.Rmd in mcstate 0.9.22.
Inference with iterated filteringUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from if2.Rmd in mcstate 0.9.22.
Nested SIR ModelsUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from nested_sir_models.Rmd in mcstate 0.9.22.
Parallelisation of inferenceUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from parallelisation.Rmd in mcstate 0.9.22.
Algorithms used to compute random numbersUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from rng_algorithms.Rmd in dust 0.15.3.
roxygenUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from roxygen.Rmd in porcelain 0.1.15.
Using vimpact for estimating vaccine impact - VIMC membersUpdated 3 years ago

Xiang Li

Rendered from vignette.Rmd in vimpact 0.1.3.
Multiple parameter setsUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from multi.Rmd in dust 0.15.3.
Using didehpc to run orderly tasksUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from orderly.Rmd in didehpc 0.3.22.
orderlyUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from orderly.Rmd in orderly 1.6.1.
orderly patternsUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from patterns.Rmd in orderly 1.6.1.
orderly remotesUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from remote.Rmd in orderly 1.6.1.
Multilevel example with blocksUpdated 3 years ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from checks_multilevel_blocks.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
Normal modelUpdated 3 years ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from checks_normal_model.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
Return priorUpdated 3 years ago

Bob Verity and Pete Winskill

Rendered from checks_return_prior.Rmd in drjacoby 1.5.4.
cookbookUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from cookbook.Rmd in porcelain 0.1.15.
porcelainUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from porcelain.Rmd in porcelain 0.1.15.
Using vimpact for estimating vaccine impactUpdated 3 years ago

Rob Ashton, Xiang Li, Katy Gaythorpe

Rendered from using-vimpact.Rmd in vimpact 0.1.3.
Package installationUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from packages.Rmd in didehpc 0.3.22.
Quickstart for R and the DIDE clusterUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from quickstart.Rmd in didehpc 0.3.22.
TroubleshootingUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from troubleshooting.Rmd in didehpc 0.3.22.
Using didehpc to run cluster jobsUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from didehpc.Rmd in didehpc 0.3.22.
WorkersUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from workers.Rmd in didehpc 0.3.22.
contextUpdated 3 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from context.Rmd in context 0.5.0.
Translating with traduireUpdated 4 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from traduire.Rmd in traduire 0.1.1.
Using jointlyrUpdated 4 years ago

Sangeeta Bhatia

Rendered from using-jointlyr.Rmd in jointlyr 0.0.1.
Naomi data modelUpdated 4 years ago

Jeff Eaton

Rendered from data-model.Rmd in naomi 2.9.28.
orderly changelogUpdated 4 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from changelog.Rmd in orderly 1.6.1.
orderly bundlesUpdated 4 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from bundles.Rmd in orderly 1.6.1.
Montagu API from RUpdated 5 years ago

VIMC Technical Team

Rendered from montagu_user_guide.Rmd in montagu 0.6.1.
Using cinterpolateUpdated 5 years ago

Rich FitzJohn

Rendered from cinterpolate.Rmd in cinterpolate 1.0.2.
PJNZ FilesUpdated 6 years ago

Robert Ashton

Rendered from pjnz.Rmd in specio 0.1.4.
beersUpdated 6 years ago

Wes Hinsley

Rendered from beers-vignette.Rmd in beers 0.1.0.