orderly2 - Orderly Next Generation

Reimplementation of orderly based on outpack.

Last updated 6 days ago

7 stars 8.05 score 21 dependencies 2 dependents

rrq - Simple Redis Queue

Simple Redis queue in R.

Last updated 18 days ago


24 stars 7.23 score 24 dependencies 3 dependents

context - Contexts for evaluating R expressions

Contexts for evaluating R expressions.

Last updated 1 years ago


5 stars 6.84 score 9 dependencies 2 dependents

hipercow - High Performance Computing

Set up cluster environments and jobs. Moo.

Last updated 2 months ago

1 stars 6.39 score 10 dependencies 1 dependents

didehpc - DIDE HPC Support

DIDE HPC support.

Last updated 1 years ago


10 stars 5.72 score 30 dependencies

eppasm - Age-structured EPP Model for HIV Epidemic Estimates

What the package does (one paragraph).

Last updated 4 months ago

6 stars 5.04 score 39 dependencies 3 dependents

odin2 - Next generation odin

Temporary package for rewriting odin.

Last updated 2 days ago

1 stars 4.89 score 7 dependencies

hintr - R API for calling naomi district level HIV model

R API for calling naomi district level HIV model.

Last updated 4 days ago

2 stars 4.78 score 170 dependencies 1 dependents

specio - Read Spectrum Files

Read data from Spectrum PJNZ file into R consumable format for EPP.

Last updated 3 years ago


1 stars 3.78 score 5 dependencies 2 dependents

queuer - Queue Tasks

Queue tasks to number of backends.

Last updated 1 years ago


4 stars 3.26 score 20 dependencies 1 dependents

spud - Sharepoint upload & download

Enables uploading, downloading and listing of files in sharepoint.

Last updated 4 years ago


2 stars 3.26 score 14 dependencies 2 dependents

logwatch - Watch Logs Run

Watch a log, streaming progress to the console.

Last updated 8 months ago

3.18 score 1 dependencies 5 dependents

syncr - Synchronise Directories

Syncronise directories using rsync.

Last updated 7 years ago


9 stars 2.65 score 0 dependencies

moz.utils - Utility functions

Utility functions, for useful utilitarian uses.

Last updated 1 years ago

2.26 score 78 dependencies

jenner - Internal Montagu Helpers

Helpers for Montagu.

Last updated 6 years ago

2.18 score 33 dependencies

mode - Solve Multiple ODEs

Solve multiple ODEs in parallel.

Last updated 2 years ago

2.08 score 16 dependencies

buildr - buildr

Simple package build server.

Last updated 5 years ago


2 stars 2.00 score 8 dependencies

orderly.sharedfile - Package Title Here

Access files in shared locations from orderly.

Last updated 1 years ago

1 stars 1.70 score 22 dependencies

weighter - Model averaging

This package implementes model averaging.

Last updated 4 years ago

1 stars 1.70 score 0 dependencies